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8/30/2022 Page 4 of 16 <br />SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates <br />Client:City of Arden Hills <br />Project:MVHS Trail - Final Design Amendment <br />Subconsultants:Braun Intertec 14320.PP <br />TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PROF. VIII-VII PROF. VI PROF. V PROF. IV PROF. III PROF. II PROF. I TECH.SUPPORT TOTALS EST. FEE <br />PRIN.SR. ASSOC.SR. ASSOC.ASSOC.SR. PROF.PROF.PROF.HIDE THIS ROW <br />3.0 FINAL PS&E <br />Assumptions: <br />CIVIL <br />95 Percent Construction Plans and Estimate are approved by the City <br />Project Special Provisions and Manual have not been prepared to date <br />Plans will be revised per new information received from utility coordination, geotechnical investigation, permitting approvals and State Aid Review <br />Parcel Sketches and Legal Descriptions Submitted with 95% Plans do not need revision. Acquisitions by others. <br />Prepare State Aid Approved Bidding Documents <br />GEOTECH <br />Utility Clearance through Gopher State One Call and boring staking with GPS. <br />Includes acquiring a ROW permit from City of Arden Hills and/or Ramsey County (if necessary). Assumes permit fees will be waived. <br />Private locator will not be required <br />12 shallow Hand Auger Borings (HAB) at various locations along the trail alignment are proposed. Borings will penetrate up to 3 feet below the ground surface or to a depth where manual effort is no longer sufficient. <br />For the purposes of classifying the materials encountered and estimating their engineering properties, moisture and organic content tests along with mechanical analyses (through a #200 sieve only) are included. <br />Geotechnical Summary Letter containing hand auger and laboratory test results, engineering analysis and recommendations for design and construction of the trail improvements will be prepared. <br />Client Deliverables: <br />Provide Sample Project Manual and Editable Front End Documents <br />Provide Review Comments at 100 Percent Submittals <br />3.1 Geotechnical exploration, analysis, recommendations and report by Braun <br />Intertec (See Subconsultants below) <br />---------0 $0.00 <br />3.2 Revise 95% Construction Plans and Estimate per new information received from <br />utilty coordination, geotechnical investigation and permitting approvals <br />--6 --32 10 --48 $6,032.00 <br />3.3 Prepare Draft Project Manual --16 ------16 $2,560.00 <br />3.4 Submit Draft 100% PS&E to City for Approval. Compile Comments in 100% <br />Comment Log. <br />--2 --4 4 --10 $1,284.00 <br />3.5 Revise Draft 100% PS&E per City Comments and Note Resolutions in 100% <br />Comment Log. <br />--2 --8 4 --14 $1,768.00 <br />3.6 Prepare State Aid Submittal with 100% PS&E and Accompanying Documents per <br />Plan Review Checklist <br />--6 --2 ---8 $1,202.00 <br />3.7 Compile State Aid Comments in 100% Comment Log. Revise 100% PS&E <br />accordingly and Note Resolutions in 100% Comment Log. <br />--2 --8 2 --12 $1,528.00 <br />3.8 Secure Construction Plan Cover Sheet Signatures and Assemble Final Bidding <br />Documents <br />--2 --2 ---4 $562.00 <br />3.9 Water Resources - Finish plans, Revise SEQ, Compose Drainage Specs 2 ---12 ----14 $1,956.00 <br />SRF Deliverables: <br />Geotechnical Report <br />Final Bidding Documents <br />Plan Review Checklist <br />Parking Resolution <br />Lab Services Request Form <br />Storm Sewer Review by MnDOT Hydraulics <br />R-Value Documentation <br />SUBTOTAL - TASK 3 2 0 36 0 12 56 20 0 0 126 $16,892.00 <br />SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. <br />14320ScopeOfWorkTemplateDetailed_REV.xlsx <br />MINNEAPOLIS. MN