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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — AUGUST 15, 2022 5 <br />Mayor Grant directed staff see if Arden Hills can get into the program and bring it forward to a <br />Council meeting if they are able. <br />E. State of the City Update <br />Communications Coordinator Arel passed out the draft slides for the State of the City. <br />Communications Coordinator Arel stated that Boston Scientific will host the event Thursday, <br />September 15. Refreshments will be catered by Boston Scientific's catering company with <br />options for a continental breakfast. NineNorth will record the event, edit and post a recording of <br />the event online. After the slides are finalized staff and Council will work on the script for each <br />presenter. The total cost of the event is higher than the estimated amount but there is sufficient <br />balance in the EDA fund to cover the overage. There will be no charge for the room rental even if <br />the City doesn't use the onsite caterer. <br />Council reviewed the draft slides, made changes and additions, and decided to use onsite catering. <br />Communications Coordinator Arel said the Council had discussed moving the event to earlier <br />in the year and wondered if they would like to have next years State of the City in March or April. <br />Councilmember Holden liked the idea of having it in April. <br />Councilmember Holmes suggested skipping 2023 and having the next event in spring of 2024. <br />City Administrator Perrault said staff would have the slides updated within two weeks and the <br />script to Council in three weeks. <br />F. Lake Johanna Trail Study <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said the Lake Johanna Boulevard Trail <br />Study open house held at City Hall was well attended. He invited Ramsey County to the <br />September 19 work session to discuss. <br />City Administrator Perrault asked if the Council wanted to send a letter to the County prior to <br />that meeting or just discuss face to face. <br />Councilmember Holden thought they could tar the curb as a short-term solution but if they're <br />coming there's no need for a letter. <br />Councilmember Holmes didn't understand why it had to be so elaborate and thought they could <br />do a trail like the one on Old Snelling. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said they are planning for TIF and <br />construction in 2028. They are asking for $6 million from Met Council, which would be a $4.8 <br />million grant, equating to $600,000 each for the City and County. <br />
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