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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 5 <br />funding from other sources. The MPCA grant application is due in December, if they receive <br />funding they would start on identifying locations. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen noted areas of flooding would include a trail <br />that runs behind Perry Park that continuously floods. The study would identify what could be <br />done. Arden Manor has drainage problems, Valentine Park floods, the Grant and Fairview area <br />has problems, among others. <br />City Administrator Perrault felt the study would also help with other issues that we potentially <br />don't know about and would create a long term plan. <br />Ms. Osborn said it could also help pair items with construction projects. <br />Mayor Grant asked if a plan would help hold the City in better light with the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen replied that yes, it is helpful to have a plan <br />to refer back to. <br />Ms. Osborn said initially they would be working with the City to determine issues. <br />After further discussion, Council was in agreement to move forward with the grant application in <br />hopes of funding a study. <br />E. Tree Preservation Ordinance Discussion <br />City Administrator Perrault said this item goes back to the Council's desire to have the Tree <br />Preservation Fund be used for other landscaping items within the City. He worked with the City <br />Attorney and Community Development Director to modify the ordinance language to include <br />landscaping. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe added the wording was to maintain a Green Space <br />Fund. The Green Space Fund would apply to both tree preservation and landscaping. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if the existing tree fund stands alone until the money is gone, but <br />from this point on money would go into the new landscape fund and that money could be used for <br />trees and landscaping. <br />City Administrator Perrault confirmed that was the case, and noted the current fund did not <br />have to be exhausted before using money from the new fund. <br />Councilmember Holmes suggested they call it the Tree Preservation and Landscaping Fund. <br />City Administrator Perrault thought they could make that change. <br />F. Council Tracker <br />City Administrator Perrault provided the Council with an update of the Council Tracker. After <br />discussion, Pond Maintenance — Indian Oaks, and Green Space Fund were removed and Public <br />