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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — SEPTEMBER 26, 2022 4 <br />Mr. Estochen commented the intersection at Highway 96 and Old Snelling was operated by <br />Ramsey County. <br />Councilmember Holden encouraged Ramsey County to consider all of the events that occur at <br />the school which increases the amount of traffic using this intersection. She suggested Ramsey <br />County speak with the school about timing for this signal in order to improve traffic safety. <br />Mr. Isaacson stated he has had conversations with the school. <br />Councilmember Holmes commented on how the first accident at this intersection occurred when <br />it was dark. She noted the girls were turning left and the car that hit them was traveling 80 miles <br />per hour. She believed turning off the flashing yellow arrow from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday <br />through Friday would not work. She recommended the flashing yellow arrow be turned off <br />completely. <br />Mayor Grant discussed how there would be increased traffic in this area once development <br />occurs at Rice Creek Commons. He encouraged Ramsey County to take this into consideration <br />when completing their evaluation on this intersection. He stated this was a dangerous intersection <br />and it was dangerous all day long. <br />Councilmember Holden recommended Ramsey County take into consideration the amount of <br />school traffic that was using this intersection every day of the week, because events occur at the <br />school on the weekends and after regular school hours. She stated she was disappointed that the <br />Ramsey County Commissioner was not in attendance. She asked if she had been providing any <br />direction or insight on this intersection. <br />Mr. Isaacson explained he understood where the City Council was coming. However, he noted <br />he did not believe the City Council wanted Ramsey County rushing through the evaluation <br />process. He stated it was his job to be deliberate and thoughtful when making infrastructure <br />changes. He reported he has been in close contract with the Ramsey County Commissioner for <br />this area to discuss the plan for the area. <br />Councilmember Holden indicated she would rather give up a minute of her life at this <br />intersection than to lose another life at the flashing left arrow. <br />Councilmember Radziej thanked Ramsey County for acting quickly to address the concerns of <br />the City at this intersection. He stated he looked forward to learning more from Ramsey County <br />once their evaluation was completed. <br />Councilmember Scott thanked Mr. Isaacson and Mr. Estochen for attending this meeting and for <br />speaking to the public regarding this intersection. He encouraged Ramsey County to seek a <br />solution that was out of the norm in order to improve safety at this intersection. <br />Mayor Grant asked what would keep Ramsey County from turning off the flashing yellow arrow <br />all day long. <br />
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