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11-14-22-R (amended)
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11-14-22-R (amended)
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — OCTOBER 17, 2022 2 <br />Community Development Director Jagoe stated she would talk to the Building Official about <br />the address. In preliminary analysis staff had considered Ridgewood as the front yard and Old <br />Snelling as the rear. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen explained that if the driveway goes out onto <br />Old Snelling that would be connecting into the new construction. They would have to maintain <br />ADA on the sidewalk and the curb cut, and they would most likely require a full width patch. He <br />also noted there are no utilities currently extended to the lot and those connections would be from <br />Ridgewood Road. <br />Discussion continued regarding the home location. Council agreed they would suggest <br />consideration of Mr. Ali with moving the home slightly uphill (north) to gain more room despite <br />the setbacks potentially not being met. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe said the applicant would submit changes before the <br />Planning Commission meeting. <br />B. Planning Case 22-020 —1861 W Highway 96 Concept Plan Review <br />Community Development Director Jagoe said the applicants are seeking feedback in advance of <br />a future application for a variance on a concept plan to demo the house that is currently at the <br />subject property and building a new single-family home. The lot is considered non -conforming <br />because of the front yard setback due to additional right of way acquisitions over time. They may <br />also need a variance from ordinary high water in the rear of the yard as measured from the <br />shoreline, due to the requirement of the setback being on average with the adjacent parcels. <br />Ms. Bach presented a PowerPoint outlining the historical changes to the property lines due to <br />highway expansions, the buildable area of the lot and proposed new home placement, and <br />comparison of the proposed new home setback to neighboring homes. She stated they would like <br />to preserve as many trees as possible. <br />Councilmember Holden said she thought the proposal looked good and she had no issues. <br />Councilmember Radziej and Mayor Grant agreed. <br />Mayor Grant felt that the City owes them some flexibility due to the easement changes. <br />Councilmember Holmes said her only concern would be the house impeding on the neighbor's <br />view. <br />Councilmember Radziej encouraged them to look into incentives for building an energy efficient <br />home. <br />Ms. Bach said they will finalize plans to be presented to the Planning Commission. <br />
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