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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — NOVEMBER 28, 2022 4 <br />Mr. Johnson discussed the staging for the project and reviewed the detours that would be put in <br />place during construction of this project. He noted it was the County's goal to have construction <br />begin in May with the roundabout open in the fall of 2023. <br />Councilmember Holden encouraged the County to reconsider how to keep both traffic and <br />pedestrians flowing safely through this intersection. She asked about how long the project would <br />take. <br />Mr. Johnson stated conservatively and if weather cooperates, the project should take twelve or <br />twelve and a half weeks. However, he noted there were many variables that play into this project <br />and noted there could be delays due to weather or material shortages. <br />Councilmember Holmes explained the City was skeptical with whether or not the County would <br />be able to stick to this timeline given their history with the City of Arden Hills. <br />Councilmember Holden requested the County not use Oak for construction traffic due to the fact <br />the City just redid this roadway. She asked for further information regarding how the steep <br />driveways would be impacted by this project. <br />Mr. Johnson discussed the topography of the project noting the intersection would remain at the <br />same elevation so as not to adversely impact these driveways. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned who would be responsible for the stormwater pond. <br />Mr. Mazzitello explained the County liked to deed these to the City, but noted this was <br />something that could be negotiated. <br />Mayor Grant inquired who would be responsible for the landscaping within the roundabout. <br />Mr. Mazzitello discussed the native grass landscaping that was planned for the middle of the <br />roundabout and stated this area would be the City's responsibility. <br />Mr. Mazzitello reported the County hoped to bid this project in March in hopes of having a <br />contractor in place by May. <br />Mayor Grant indicated the City was leery of the schedule and was concerned about how the <br />budget for the City's portion for the project had doubled. He anticipated the Council would have <br />to discuss this further and would speak with the County again at a future meeting. <br />2. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND STAFF UPDATES <br />None. <br />
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