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ARDEN HILLS PARKS TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 3 <br /> • Ms. Olson noted the City is fully staffed with rink attendants stating she has the highest <br /> paid rink attendants in the area next to Vadnais Heights who uses an employment agency <br /> to do its hiring and pays $10.00 per hour which is quite high considering Arden Hills <br /> pays $7.75. <br /> REVIEW OF FOOT TRAFFIC/TRAIL ON COUNTY ROAD E2 <br /> Committee Member Crassweller explained to the Committee and Mr. Ingram of Ingram <br /> and Associates what he believes to be a dangerous area for foot traffic along County <br /> Road E2. He then told the Committee that he is on the board at his townhome association <br /> and believes he can get right of way approval to allow for a trail on townhome property. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller inquired as to whether the City acting on this matter at <br /> this time would interfere with Mr. Ingram's plan for trails in conjunction with the <br /> Comprehensive Parks Plan. Mr. Ingram noted he did not believe the City working to <br /> solve this immediate trail issue would interfere with the Comprehensive Parks Plan. <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Crassweller moved and Committee Member <br /> Messerly seconded the motion to direct Mr. Moore to begin the <br /> process to connect the trail from County Road E2 to Valentine <br /> Park. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> • Mr. Ingram gave the Committee a brief overview of how he intends to start the process of <br /> planning for the Comprehensive Parks Plan. The Committee gave input and feedback as <br /> to how it would like to proceed with the planning. Consent was reached by the <br /> Committee to dedicate the entire meeting in January to planning and discussion on the <br /> Comprehensive Parks Plan. <br /> DATE/TIME OF NEXT MEETING <br /> By consensus, the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, January 23, 2000 at 7:00 <br /> p.m. at City Hall. <br /> AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING <br /> The January meeting will be devoted entirely to discussions concerning the <br /> Comprehensive Parks Plan. <br /> OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br /> Ms. Olson noted she was in need of pictures of spring or summer activities for the spring <br /> recreation guide. The City saves between $500 and $700 by providing its own pictures. <br /> • <br />