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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 3 <br /> Committee Member Messerly suggested spraying the poison ivy with a broadleaf weed <br /> killer five feet back from the trail. <br /> Mr. Moore reported that the new Toro groomer could be used to spray the poison ivy. <br /> Chairperson Johnson asked how far the groomer would spray. <br /> Mr. Moore reported that the groomer would spray two to three feet out. <br /> Council Liaison Larson expressed concern that spraying a broadleaf weed killer would <br /> kill a lot of other plants along the trail. <br /> Mr. Moore noted he could call the DNR to see if there is a specific chemical for treating <br /> poison ivy but stated he did not believe there was. He then noted that to treat the poison <br /> ivy with Round Up would be labor intensive as each plant would need to be sprayed. <br /> Committee Member Tix suggested spraying in only the areas where the poison ivy is <br /> located rather than along the whole trail. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller noted that the trail needed to be mowed and then the <br /> areas where there is poison ivy should be sprayed. <br /> It was the consent of the Committee to direct Staff to mow the trails wide, spray in the <br /> areas where the poison ivy is located, and to post temporary signs to notify that the area <br /> has been sprayed with weed killer in an attempt to eliminate the poison ivy. <br /> Council Member Larson noted he felt that the City should be concerned for people on the <br /> trails and kids not dogs especially if those dogs are running loose through the weeds. He <br /> then noted that the temporary sign could be used as an opportunity to warn people that <br /> the poison ivy is out there. <br /> BUCK THORN REMOVAL PROGRAM <br /> Mr. Moore reported Phil Fable was not able to attend this meeting but would be at the <br /> next meeting to discuss buck thorn removal. <br /> 50TH DAY IN THE PARK UPDATE <br /> Mr. Moore provided handouts to the Committee with information on the 50th Day in the <br /> Park celebration. He then asked if the Committee wished to participate in the parade, <br /> either by walking together or riding together. <br /> It was the consent of the Committee not to participate in the parade. <br /> Mr. Moore passed around a sign up sheet to staff the booth as well as to volunteer to help <br /> with the other activities scheduled for the day. <br />