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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 7 <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated the Council is in the process of revising an erosion and <br /> sediment control ordinance as required by the Metropolitan Council as part of the <br /> Comprehensive Plan process. The Council is also working on a right-of-way ordinance <br /> to address use, require a City permit, and demonstrate the property has been restored. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated the Council approved the new City Hall monument sign <br /> that incorporates Kasota Stone and the new City logo. The City also purchased <br /> additional limestone at a substantial discount for use in the other monument signs to <br /> provide a consistent appearance. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated work is underway on a sound wall between Highways 96 <br /> and 10, east of I-35, by the mobile home park. <br /> Council Liaison Larson reported that the budget process is underway for 2002 and the <br /> City received another excellent audit report. He advised that the Council is awaiting <br /> results of the special legislative session, results of impact to TIF, and available local <br /> government aids. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated the Council is working on the Pavement Management Plan <br /> which was halted when it was decided to not pave the Ingerson neighborhood. The <br /> Council will be determining how to proceed with street improvement projects. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated the Council approved changes to the PUD on West Round <br /> Lake Road since some occupants are putting in outside facilities which they need, such as <br /> dumpster areas, that are different than anticipated by the City when it originally approved <br /> the PUD. The City has asked the operators to come back with a plan which was adopted <br /> on Monday and will result in more screening between the parking lots and buildings. <br /> Chair Johnson asked when the first meeting will be held in the new City Hall. Council <br /> Liaison Larson estimated late August. <br /> NEXT MEETING AGENDA <br /> Trail Teams <br /> Buck Thorn Progress <br /> Recap of Comprehensive Park Plan Neighborhood Meetings <br /> OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br /> Council Liaison Larson commented on the importance of the consultant offering a <br /> presentation of the plans being considered, not just posting presentation boards around <br /> the room and requesting input. Mr. Moore stated his impression that there will be a lot of <br /> "give-and-take" and information provided to residents. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller agreed with the need for a presentation and emphasis <br />