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09-25-2001 PTRC Agenda Packet
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09-25-2001 PTRC Agenda Packet
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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 8/28/01 6 <br /> that time. Mr. Moore stated that the review should be completed and available for review <br /> prior to the September 29, 2001 work session. <br /> Mr. Wensman asked the Committee to review the information provided and forward their <br /> comments to Mr. Moore or Chair Johnson. <br /> Committee Member Straumann asked that Mr. Wensman include the information presented <br /> tonight, along with the minutes, to those who were not in attendance. Mr. Wensman <br /> confirmed that everyone would be provided with an information packet. <br /> COUNCIL UPDATE <br /> Council Liaison Larson provided a City Council update to the Committee. He referenced the <br /> income tax hearing noting that it has been delayed. He explained that a meeting had been <br /> scheduled adding that due to the lateness of action by the State Legislation they were exempt <br /> from holding an income tax hearing. He stated that it has been rescheduled for December <br /> 2001. He noted a significant change in the levy this year and stated that they have a$2.8 <br /> million budget. He explained that this year legislation removed K through 12 from the tax <br /> support previously received through the property tax. He referenced the homestead and <br /> agricultural credit noting the dollars that will be lost. Council Liaison Larson explained the <br /> levy limits adding that this year they cut HACA funding which allowed them to increase the <br /> levy to makeup the difference. He explained that they expect it to increase 7.5% in City <br /> taxes. He further explained that the property tax bill would actually decrease overall but the <br /> increase would be seen at the City level. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated that there are open issues with street width, urban gutter, storm <br /> water improvements, localized versus dispersed, adding that they are meeting on September <br /> 12, 2001 to allow time to work through the issues. He noted that it is very unlikely that they <br /> would have a pavement improvement project in Arden Hills next year. <br /> He noted a foundation drainage issue at City Hall adding that it appears it was not properly <br /> installed and would need to be replaced in order to keep the basement from flooding. He <br /> further noted that the dedication has been delayed until October 2001. <br /> Council Liaison Larson referenced the `Day in the Park' celebration adding that they <br /> recognize that they cannot do again what they did this year. He explained that the Council, <br /> by consensus, decided to increase next years' budget from $5,500.00 to $9,700.00 for the <br /> `Day in the Park' celebration adding that there has been discussion regarding the location of <br /> the celebration. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated that Presbyterian Homes has come forward to ask for bonding <br /> and this is their second time coming to the Council. He explained the lower revenue bonds <br /> and they have asked for$5.5 million in funding. He stated that they do not have the funding <br /> and a Public Hearing has been scheduled. He stated that they are working on the Stormwater <br /> Management Plan which is a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. He explained that the <br /> work is being done by consultants and the first work session was held last week. <br />
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