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01-10-23 Agenda Packet
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Karth Lake Improvement District Board
Karth Lake Agendas
01-10-23 Agenda Packet
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1/6/2023 4:02:15 PM
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1/6/2023 4:02:06 PM
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Discussion: Renee reported that the DNR had applied for a new gauge to be funded, <br />installed and calibrated in Karth Lake. If approved, it would likely be installed within <br />a couple of weeks. Volunteers would be needed to record and upload lake levels <br />weekly when there is open water. She and Jim Elliott have volunteered to take <br />readings in 2022 and others said they could fill-in, if needed. <br />Renee also reported that Matt Kocian of RCWD will provide funding for its <br />hydrologist consultant, Chris Otterness, to develop a model of Karth Lake lake levels <br />and develop an improved pumping strategy to reduce lake level bounce. They have <br />offered an option of deliverables: (1) a spreadsheet tool for our use or (2) a pumping <br />strategy designed to meet a set of written goals / criteria. <br /> <br />Tony asked if we could have both: a pumping strategy and a tool that we could use <br />after the analysis is completed. The board agreed and, as a whole, expressed a desire <br />to receive the full benefit of Chris’ know-how through delivering a pumping strategy. <br /> <br />With regards to the task of developing a written set of goals and criteria, Renee <br />suggested it would be helpful to have a meeting up front with Matt and Chris, with <br />people at the city that will be responsible for implementing a revised strategy, and <br />with board representatives, myself and Gary Gerding. Specifically, implementation <br />constraints and alternative could impact the strategy recommendation. All in <br />attendance agreed. David and Lucas said they would be happy to participate in such a <br />meeting. <br />Action: Renee will set up a meeting with Matt, Chris, David, Lucas, Gary and myself <br />to launch the modeling effort. Renee will follow up on gauge status and begin lake <br />level measurements once available. <br /> <br />7. New Business <br />7.1 Plan for 2022 removal of excess lake weeds and debris and control of invasive <br />purple loosestrife. <br />Discussion: Susan agreed to manage this effort again in 2022. The board <br />requested that the city’s KLID web page include information about purple <br />loosestrife. David said there is a new communications director. <br />Action: Susan will send a flyer about weed removal and include a note and <br />photos about purple loosestrife. <br />David will send the new communications director’s contact information to Renee. <br />Renee will provide content to the city to add information to the website. <br /> <br />7.2 Report results of 2021 water quality monitoring for Karth Lake – Gary <br />Gerding <br />Discussion: Gary shared charts provided by Matt Kocian of RCWD (shown below) <br />and the following observations: <br /> <br />• Over the past 10 years, water quality has been generally stable. I.e., there have <br />been no statistically significant trends in total phosphorus nor chl-a averages. <br />Total phosphorus and chl-a levels in 2021 were 7% and 17% higher than their 10- <br />year averages, respectively, but the magnitudes of these changes are consistent
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