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Introduction - <br /> The intent of this park, trail and open space plan is to act as a guide to park, trail and open space <br /> decision-making and improvements. The Plan is designed to address recreation needs between 2001 <br /> and 2020. The city recognizes that demographic, recreation and environmental trends will change <br /> over the next twenty years and those changes will affect park, trail and open space user needs. How- <br /> ever, the Plan will help set the framework for funding, operations and improvements and will increase <br /> efficiency by establishing a long-term vision and priorities. <br /> The plan includes a park and trail system map and recommendations for renovation of existing parks, <br /> acquisition of park land and easements, trail improvements, and a funding strategy. <br /> Arden Hills Existing Conditions <br /> Regional Setting <br /> Arden Hills is located in the northern portion of Ramsey County and is well served by regional parks. <br /> Tony Schmidt Regional Park is located in Arden Hills along the north shore of Lake Johanna. Long <br /> Lindey's Triangle <br /> 5 <br />