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Arden Hills Parks,Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 6 <br /> July 23,2002 <br /> Co <br /> mmittee Member Crassweller clarified that this is a long-term investment and suggested that • <br /> the Committee make a recommendation to the Council. <br /> Chair Straumann asked for clarification of costs for a double sign. Mr. Moore clarified that it <br /> would be approximately twice as much as a single sign. <br /> Committee Member Henry asked how long the signs last. Mr. Moore stated that signs would last <br /> up to 30 years. He explained the intent stating that the signs are sorely needed and they are <br /> looking to make a positive impact on the Community. He stated that if the funds come from the <br /> CEP that the project would not happen in 2002. He stated that it would have to be submitted to <br /> Council for final approval and would probably be slated for 2004. <br /> ❖ Costs - Committee Member Crassweller expressed concerns about the potential cost stating <br /> that they do not need to spend this much for signage. Committee Member Henry agreed <br /> adding that one valid argument to the placement of signs is that it would increase the <br /> visibility of the parks. He stated that it would also increase the incentive to utilize the parks <br /> on a regular basis. <br /> ❖ Prior Committee agreement - Committee Member Thompson referenced the June 11, 2002 <br /> PTRC meeting stating that at that meeting everyone had already agreed to the signage and <br /> the vote was unanimous. Committee Member Crassweller expressed his agreement adding <br /> that a decision has been made and suggested that it be taken to City Council. Council Liaison <br /> Larson asked if the Committee has made a decision on the final design and if the design <br /> would be appropriate for use at all parks. He suggested that the Committee consider the <br /> different sizes and determine the location. <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Crassweller moved, Committee Member Messerly seconded, <br /> to accept the bid by Vacker, Inc. in the amount of$65,000.00 for park signage for <br /> the City of Arden Hills to be paid out of the Park fund. The motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> 6. Park Building Design —Tom Moore <br /> Mr. Moore provided the Committee with an update on the Park Building Design. <br /> ❖ Design has not been presented to Council. <br /> ❖ HCM bid came in considerably less than expected and reviewed the bid with the Committee. <br /> ❖ Approximate cost for the modular design is $26,000.00 <br /> ❖ Money would come out of the Park Fund. <br /> ❖ Asked for Committee feedback and direction stating that this would be presented at a Council <br /> worksession. <br /> Council Liaison Larson asked if this is a generic design where they would contract the work. Mr. <br /> Moore confirmed that the work would be contracted. <br />