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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JANUARY 3, 2023 7 <br />Mayor Grant was of the opinion great work was done last May and this work should move <br />forward. He suggested the Council review this information and see which items should move <br />forward. He recommended the process moving forward include resiliency and be environmentally <br />sensitive. He discussed how things had changed since the pandemic occurred and noted this may <br />cause some shifts in the development. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated it was his understanding there was a breakdown in communication <br />between the City and the County. He understood no meetings have been held. He believed it <br />would be important to reopen this discussion, with the legal discussions occurring under the Joint <br />Development Authority (JDA). He agreed it would be important to get input from the developer, <br />the City's financial advisor and those that put together the term sheet. He supported the JDA being <br />reestablished quickly in order to reestablish communication between the City and the County. <br />After the JDA has been reestablished, then public meetings could be held. <br />Councilmember Holden reported one of the issues with the JDA was that the County <br />Commissioners don't negotiate, they deferred the work to staff. She indicated the County <br />Commissioners were not willing to come to meetings and talk. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated he understood this was Councilmember Holden's perspective. He <br />explained he also understood there was another perspective that the City has been unwilling to <br />compromise. He supported getting new players at the table in order to get a dialogue going. <br />Councilmember Holden agreed a dialogue was needed to occur with the County Commissioners. <br />Mayor Grant commented that the County funds the JDA and when the County Commissioners <br />quit showing up for meetings, they also canceled the funding. He noted both sides would have to <br />show up. <br />Councilmember Holden reported this project was very complex and she believed it was <br />important for the new Councilmembers to fully understand the history from both the City and the <br />County. <br />Councilmember Monson stated she would like to review economic modeling and density <br />information from Stacie Kvilvang of Ehlers. She agreed the JDA was the appropriate place for a <br />lot of the conversations to happen in order to move this project forward. <br />Mayor Grant anticipated the numbers had changed and parameters would have to be adjusted. <br />He believed Ehlers was a premier company in providing financing models and he believed having <br />these financing models would assist the City in making data driven decisions. <br />Councilmember Monson suggested Bob Lux attend a future work session as well. <br />Councilmember Fabel agreed Bob Lux had to be involved in discussions quickly. <br />Councilmember Holden stated she believed the Council owed it to the Arden Hills taxpayers to <br />review the profit margins for this project. <br />