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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 <br />Mayor Grant requested comment from staff regarding this item. <br />15 <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen commented on the history of this item and <br />reported the Council is to consider approving the Right of Way Agreement with Ramsey County <br />related to the proposed roundabout design intersection improvements at County Rd E and Old <br />Snelling. Approval of the agreement will commit the City to the roundabout design and the <br />associated estimated costs for Right of Way, Design and Construction. It was noted the City's <br />portion of the project cost was up to $1.4 million. If the Council feels they do not have satisfactory <br />information to make a decision tonight, they may choose to table this item to a later date. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the Council had any questions for staff. <br />Councilmember Holden requested further information on the new drawing that was provided to <br />the Council. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen reported the new drawing was from Ramsey <br />County and defined what costs would be covered by the City, County and property owners. He <br />noted the yellow shaded area would be covered by the County and the areas shaded in red were <br />improvements that would be made by Lindey's. <br />City Administrator Perrault noted a copy of these plans was available for the public to view at <br />the entrance to the Council Chambers. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked if the County received a careful legal analysis of the obligation to <br />repave the entire parking lot at Lindey's when from his perspective it did not seem necessary. He <br />noted this was a $550,000 expense which was a major factor in the projected costs for this project. <br />He indicated he was troubled by this and wanted to receive more careful analysis from the County <br />as to why this was necessary. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned what the dates and deadlines were for this project. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen stated the updated costs for the project was <br />brought to Council the last meeting of November. He noted there was a right-of-way process that <br />had to be followed. He indicated the longer this process was delayed the longer the project would <br />be delayed into the fall of 2023. He reported the City would like to see this intersection open by <br />the time school opens in the fall. He commented the Council needs to make a decision on this <br />project in the next few weeks in order to meet this deadline. <br />Mayor Grant reported if this were not be a roundabout, there was still a section of City water that <br />has to be replaced at this intersection. He asked if this infrastructure could be installed in such a <br />manner that a roundabout could be installed in the future. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen reported the proposed water was designed to <br />stay out of the center circle of the roundabout. He explained he would need to know if a <br />roundabout was going in or not, when designing the water lines. <br />