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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JANUARY 17, 2023 <br />Mayor Grant stated that if the JDA meets in February they will have a lot of business to figure <br />out to reconstitute the group; structure, finance, hiring attorneys, insurance. He asked if the three <br />new councilmembers had made plans to meet with Ehlers. <br />Councilmember Fabel said he and Councilmember Monson had a meeting scheduled. <br />Councilmember Holden asked what the purpose would be of City and County staff meeting. <br />City Administrator Perrault thought they could lay a base work of what the County wanted to <br />do to get the process moving forward, and start staff -to -staff relations. <br />Councilmember Monson supported City staff starting a conversation with County staff. <br />Mayor Grant suggested another item they could discuss is what needs to be done to reconstitute <br />the JDA. <br />Councilmember Holden felt one of the issues of the JDA was that the County was the <br />administrator. <br />B. Primer Tracer Concept Review Discussion <br />Community Development Director Jagoe stated the Concept Plan Review was from Global One <br />Commercial for the property owned by the Federal Government and commonly referred to as the <br />Primer Tracer property. The request is for a review for potential industrial use of the approximate <br />62 acres. Two high level industrial scenarios have been submitted for discussion by the Applicant <br />as part of their due diligence as they decide whether or not to bid on the property. Option A is for <br />five multi -tenant buildings, Option B is for two different multi -tenant buildings. The subject <br />property is located within a 233 acre site. The property was previously used as a manufacturing <br />facility for the production of component primers and tracing compounds associated with small <br />caliber ammunition production. GSA Auctions will be selling the property "as is"; there are <br />approximately 50 structures on the subject property. In 2015 the site was considered by Ramsey <br />County in partnership with Xcel Energy to be developed into an emergency management center on <br />20 acres, with 40 acres built as a solar array. Xcel Energy determined the site wasn't feasible. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe said the applicant would intend to seek rezoning to I- <br />2, General Industrial District. The GSA listing includes information that environmental <br />remediation has been completed to industrial development levels. Based on preliminary analysis <br />the land use requests would include the subdivision of land, comprehensive plan amendment, <br />rezoning of the property and a potential conditional use permit(s). <br />Mayor Grant noted that GSA would be in control of the auction. <br />Mr. Globus stated they would call the development "Arden Hills Business Commons" and <br />presented two options for the site. Option A would have five buildings and a self -storage facility. <br />The buildings would be multitenant manufacturing and technology buildings. Option B would <br />have two large buildings with industrial space. One building is envisioned to be a fulfillment <br />center and the other distribution center. <br />