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FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) <br />Based on Developer's review and interpretation of City Zoning Code, the R4 Multiple Family District allows for <br />a maximum FAR of 0.3. The proposed building footprint is approximately 54,200 sf and includes three floors <br />of dwelling/habitable space, for an approximate total of 162,600 sf (note: garage not included in calculation). <br />162,600 sf of dwelling/habitable space / 468,270 sf total lot size = .3472 FAR. Developer believes a deviation <br />to City Zoning Code for maximum FAR is required. <br />BUILDING & IMPERVIOUS SURFACE LOT COVERAGE <br />Based on Developer's review and interpretation of City Zoning Code, the R4 Multiple Family District allows for <br />a maximum building lot coverage of 25%. The proposed building footprint is approximately 54,200 sf. 54,200 <br />sf building footprint / 468,270 sf total lot size =11.5% building lot coverage. Developer believes a deviation <br />to City Zoning Code for maximum building lot coverage is not required. <br />NOTE: this site is also encumbered by the City's Shoreland Overlay District. Said district requires a <br />maximum impervious surface coverage of 35%. It is the Developers interpretation that this proposed <br />project complieswith said section of City Zoning Code (project will include approximately 25-35% <br />impervious surface). <br />LANDSCAPING LOT COVERAGE <br />Based on Developer's review and interpretation of City Zoning Code, the R4 Multiple Family District requires <br />a minimum landscaping coverage of 65%. The subject property is approximately 10.75 acres in gross size. <br />About half of the property is physically buildable (the remaining portions include wetlands, drainage, <br />lowlands, steep slopes, or are inaccessible). Assuming this requirement is based on areas that are buildable, <br />the Developer does not believe a deviation to City Zoning Code for minimum landscaping coverage is <br />required. <br />NOTE: this site is also encumbered by the City's Shoreland Overlay District. Said district requires <br />Developer generally dedicate a portion of property for public open space. Developer will need <br />assistance from City staff to further define this requirement. Developer anticipates sufficient <br />opportunity exists to provide open space to the public (assumption: public trail within wetlands <br />areas). <br />BUILDING HEIGHT <br />Based on Developer's review and interpretation of City Zoning Code, the R4 Multiple Family District allows for <br />a maximum building of 35'. Which is based on the average height between eaves and the peak of a pitched <br />roof. The proposed building includes an approximate eave height of 32', and an approximate highest roof <br />peak height of 44'. Developer believes a deviation to City Zoning Code for maximum building height will be <br />required. The exact requested building height request will be known upon submittal of a formal PUD <br />application. Developer currently estimates a deviation to 4'-8' will be required. <br />NOTE: this site is also encumbered by the City's Shoreland Overlay District. Said district requires a <br />maximum building height of 35'. The Developer is unsure how this section of City Zoning Code <br />defines height. If height in this section of code is to the roof eaveā€”this proposed project is in <br />compliance (32' eave proposed by Developer). If height is defined as the roof peak and/or average <br />roof peak then this project may not be in compliance. <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />