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1700 Highway 96 Site <br />2. OVERVIEW <br />Wetland Delineation Report <br />The 41.2-acre 1700 Highway 96 Site was inspected on May 5, 2021 for the presence and extent <br />of wetland. The property was located in Section 21, Township 30 North, Range 23 West, Arden <br />Hills, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The site was situated south of Ramsey County Highway 96, <br />east of Minnesota Highway 10 Figure 1). The site boundaries corresponded to Ramsey County <br />PID# 213023110008 and the following address: 1700 Highway 96, Arden Hills MN. <br />The 1700 Highway 96 Site consisted of buildings associated with the North Heights Church and <br />parking lots with woodland and meadow on the fringes of the property. The topography of the <br />site sloped from an elevation of 938 ft MSL on the central portion of the site down to a low of <br />900 ft MSL on the western portion. Surrounding land use consisted of single-family residential, <br />commercial development and recreational lakes. <br />Eleven wetlands were delineated within the site boundaries. The delineated wetland boundaries <br />and existing conditions are shown on Figure 2. <br />Appendix A of this report includes a Joint Application Form for Activities Affecting Water <br />Resources in Minnesota, which is submitted in request for: (1) a wetland boundary and type <br />determination under the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA), and (2) delineation <br />concurrence and an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) for Wetlands 141 under <br />Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. <br />3. METHODS <br />3.1 Wetland Delineation <br />Wetlands were identified using the Routine Determination method described in the Corps of <br />Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Waterways Experiment Station, 1987) and the <br />Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and <br />Northeast Region (Version 2.0) as required under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the <br />Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. <br />Wetland boundaries were identified as the upper -most extent of wetland that met criteria for <br />hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology. Wetland -upland boundaries were <br />marked with pin flags that were located by Kjolhaug Environmental Services using Trimble R1 <br />Receiver GNSS GPS units. <br />Soils, vegetation, and hydrology were documented at a representative location along the wetland - <br />upland boundary. Plant species dominance was estimated based on the percent aerial or basal <br />coverage visually estimated within a 30-foot radius for trees and vines, a 15-foot radius for the <br />shrub layer, and a 5-foot radius for the herbaceous layer within the community type sampled. <br />Soils were characterized to a minimum depth of 24 inches (unless otherwise noted) using a <br />Munsell Soil Color Book and standard soil texturing methodology. Hydric soil indicators used <br />are from Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (USDA Natural Resources <br />