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03-08-23-PC Agenda
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03-08-23-PC Agenda
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – December 7, 2022 2 <br /> <br />was constructed in 1939 and the detached garage was added in 1961. The original legal <br />description for the subject property has a described property boundary of 1.0689-acres (46,561 <br />SF). Between 1949 and 2014, there have been four acquisitions of land by the State of Minnesota <br />and Ramsey County for highway right-of-way purposes. As a result of the ROW dedication, the <br />parcel size has been reduced to 0.62-acre (27,098 SF) as shown on the survey provided. The <br />reduction in lot area due to the dedication of ROW is primarily along the north and northeast <br />sides of the property which is considered to be the front yard for the Subject Property. Today, the <br />property is considered legal nonconforming with a front yard setback of 25 feet as measured from <br />the northeast corner of the home. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe explained the Applicants are proposing to demolish <br />the existing structures and rebuild one principal structure (i.e. single family dwelling with <br />attached garage) on the Subject Property. In considering the city code requirements and <br />environmental features of the property, the Applicants have determined the most suitable location <br />to rebuild would be to shift and orientate the new structure south/southeast of the current <br />structure location. The new home location would require a variance to allow a front yard setback <br />of 28 feet versus 40 feet as required by city code. The proposed project complies with all other <br />applicable city code requirements for the R-1 Zoning District (i.e. structure coverage, FAR, <br />impervious surface, etc.) and Shoreland regulations. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe reported at their October 17, 2022 meeting, the City <br />Council reviewed the concept plans for the proposed redevelopment of the Subject Property. <br />Overall, the City Council acknowledged the rational for the reduced front yard setback request <br />given the additional right-of-way acquisitions that had occurred over time. At that time, there <br />were no suggested changes to the conceptual site layout. The Applicants were encouraged to <br />review the rear yard sightlines to make sure that the view of the adjacent property was not <br />obstructed by the placement of the new dwelling. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe reviewed the site data, surrounding area, the Plan <br />Evaluation and provided the Findings of Fact for review: <br /> <br />General Findings: <br />1. City Staff received a land use application for a variance request to the required R-1 <br />Zoning District front yard setback at the Subject Property 1861 Highway 96 W. <br />2. The Subject Property is a nonconforming lot of record attributed to State and County <br />right-of-way acquisitions for highway purposes that resulted in a front yard setback <br />encroachment of 25.05 feet and does not comply with the minimum R-1 district standards <br />of 40 feet. <br />3. The proposed redevelopment would bring the Subject Property closer to conformance <br />with the R-1 district standards and reduces the front yard setback encroachment at 28.92 <br />feet. <br />4. The proposed single-family dwelling would not require a side yard, rear yard, or <br />Shoreland setback variance. <br />5. The proposed single-family dwelling on the Subject Property would conform to all other <br />requirements and standards of the R-1 Zoning District. <br /> <br />Variance Findings:
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