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CONSENT ITEM — 7I <br />,-ARZEN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: March 13, 2023 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Dave Perrault, City Administrator <br />FROM: David Swearingen, P.E. Public Works Director / City Engineer <br />SUBJECT: Public Works 2023 Capital Equipment Replacement — 2014 Bobcat Toolcat and <br />Snowblower Attachment <br />Budgeted Amount: Actual Amount: Funding Source: <br />$55,000 $36,914.00 (Toolcat) Equipment Replacement Fund <br />(2023 CIP) $7,013.44 (Snowblower Attach.) <br />Council Should Consider <br />Motions to approve, table, or deny the following: <br />• Purchase of the 2023 Bobcat Toolcat in the amount of $36,914.00 <br />• Purchase of the Bobcat Snowblower Attachment in the amount of $7,013.44 <br />Background/Discussion <br />The 2023 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes replacement of the 2014 Bobcat Toolcat <br />equipment, Unit 453. (Attachment A) <br />Staff recommends replacement of Unit 453 with a new 2023 Bobcat Toolcat. The Toolcat is used <br />year-round but the primary purpose is sidewalk and trail plowing/snow blowing and it is also <br />used to clean skating rinks. The total cost for the equipment, after trade-in, is $36,914.00 per the <br />quote in Attachment B. The CIP includes a budget of $55,000 for this equipment in 2023. <br />Due to corrosion factors and down time associated with hydraulic leaks and other miscellaneous <br />mechanical breakdowns, staff recommends replacing Toolcats during high trade in values and <br />before high costs of ownership from repairs and down time. <br />Attachment C is a quote to replace a 2010 Bobcat Snowblower attachment for $7,013.44, which <br />is currently not included in the CIP. The net cost of the Bobcat Toolcat is coming in $18,086 <br />under budget and staff is requesting Council consider replacing the 13-year-old snowblower unit <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />