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,—iIZEN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: March 13, 2023 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />FROM: Dave Perrault, City Administrator <br />SUBJECT: Resolution 2023-012 Approving No Mow May <br />Budgeted Amount: Actual Amount: <br />N/A <br />Council Should Consider <br />N/A <br />Motions to approve, table, or deny the following: <br />• Resolution 2023-012 Approving No Mow May <br />Discussion <br />CONSENT ITEM — 7K <br />Funding Source: <br />N/A <br />At the February work session, the City Council discussed No Mow May and directed Staff to move <br />forward with bringing forward a resolution for approval that would allow residences and businesses <br />the opportunity to participate. No Mow May is an effort to help protect pollinators during the spring <br />season. Below is a blurb from Bee City USA. <br />Why mow less in the spring? <br />The start of the growing season is a critical time for hungry, newly emerging native bees. Floral <br />resources may be hard to find, especially in urban and suburban landscapes. By allowing lawns to <br />grow longer, and not applying pesticides to flowering plants in your lawn, you can provide nectar <br />and pollen to help your bee neighbors thrive. Mowing less is just one thing we can do protect <br />pollinators. <br />The full information from Bee City USA can be found here: <br />https://beecityusa.or_ no-mow- <br />mU/#:—:text=No%20Mow%2OMay%20is%20a,forage%20for%20early%20season%20pollinators <br />The attached resolution will temporarily suspend enforcement of the City's code provision relating to <br />long grass for the month of May. Residents and businesses that choose to participate do not need to <br />register with the City nor post anything on their property. Properties choosing to participate will have <br />until June loth to come back into conformance with City Code, after June loth properties not in <br />conformance with City Code will be subject to code enforcement. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />