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environmental or terrain features deemed worthy of preservation by the Planning Commission. ∙ Density zoning. Density zoning shall be interpreted as the provision of lot areas smaller than the minimum requirement of this Code under conditions whereby the total number of dwelling units is not greater than the amount permitted under normal conditions. ∙ Dog kennel, Commercial. A structure specifically designed and commercially used for the harboring of three (3) or more dogs that are more than three (3) months old. ∙ Dog kennel, Residential. A structure specifically designed and residentially used for harboring of up to three (3) dogs that are more than three (3) months old. ∙ Dog run. A structure specifically designed for domestic use for the harboring and exercise of not more than two (2) dogs. ∙ Drive-up Window. A window or other opening at a business establishment that allows customers to purchase and/or receive a service or product without having to enter the building. (added 12/03/08) ∙ Dwelling. A building or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including single-family, two-family and multiple family uses, but not including hotels, motels, nursing homes, boarding or rooming houses, tents, seasonal cabins, or motor homes or travel trailers. ∙ Dwelling, live-work unit. A dwelling unit in combination with a shop, office, studio, or other work space within the same unit, where the resident occupant both lives and works. A live-work unit is not synonymous with a home occupation because it is designed as a mixed-use facility, whereas the home occupation is secondary and accessory to the residential use. (added 7/14/10) ∙ Dwelling, multiple family. A dwelling containing three (3) or more attached dwelling units. ∙ Dwelling, single-family. A dwelling that consists of one (1) dwelling unit. ∙ Dwelling, two-family. A dwelling that consists of two (2) dwelling units. ∙ Dwelling unit. A residential building or portion thereof intended for occupancy by one (1) family with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking and eating but not including hotels, motels, nursing homes, tents, seasonal cabins, boarding or rooming houses, motor homes or travel trailers. ∙ Dwelling unit, single-family attached. A dwelling unit which is located on its own individual lot but joined along a single lot line to one (1) or more other dwelling units with a party wall and having a separate point of entry.