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schools, recreational, commercial, or other uses not normally associated with worship. (revised 7/14/10) ∙ Household. The person or persons occupying a single dwelling unit. A household may consist of a single family, one (1) person living alone, two (2) or more families living together or any group of related or un-related persons who share living arrangements. ∙ Industry. Uses such as the manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment, assembling or warehousing of products and materials. ∙ Junkyard. An open area where waste, used or second-hand materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled or handled, including but not limited to, scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber, tires and bottles. A junkyard includes a vehicle wrecking yard but does not include uses established entirely within enclosed buildings. ∙ Landscape lot area. That portion of a lot required to remain as open space, free of buildings, parking and drives. Landscape lot areas may consist of: ∙ Naturally vegetated areas, ∙ Wetlands or ponding areas, ∙ Planting beds, ground cover and mulch areas (vegetative, rock, bark chip, etc.), ∙ Decorative walkways and areas not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the required landscape lot area, and ∙ Outdoor recreation areas. ∙ Landscaping. Plantings such as trees, grass, shrubs. ∙ Loading area. Any area where trucks are maneuvered and parked, for the purposes of loading or unloading products, materials or equipment. ∙ Lot. A parcel of land described by metes and bounds measurement, reference to a registered land survey, plat, record of survey map, or other means, and separated from other parcels or portions by said description, and which is occupied by, or is suitable under this Code and other applicable ordinances for occupancy by one (1) principal building, or used together with any accessory buildings or uses and such open spaces as are required by this Code. ∙ Lot area. The total site area within the lot lines. ∙ Lot area, net buildable. The space remaining on a lot after the minimum landscape area, open space and setback requirements of this Code have been met. ∙ Lot area per family. The lot area per family is the lot area required by this Code to be provided for each family in a dwelling.