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watercourse, or regulatory flood plain which may impede, retard, or change the direction of the flow of water, either in itself or by catching or collecting debris carried by such water. ∙ Office(s). A room, suite of rooms, or a building containing rooms or suites of rooms in which persons conduct commercial activities, provide professional services, or carry on occupations and where goods are not stored, produced, sold at retail or repaired, including but not limited to the following: executive and administrative offices, business offices such as insurance, real estate, sales and similar offices, professional offices such as offices of engineers, surveyors, architects, accountants, attorneys and bookkeepers and similar offices, but excluding medical clinics. (revised 7/14/10) ∙ Office showroom/warehouse. An office facility in which more than 50 percent of the total floor area is utilized for the display and sale of goods or merchandise on the premises, and/or for the storage and distribution of goods or merchandise from the premises. (added 7/14/10) ∙ Off-street parking areas. Structures or areas of ground used for the storage or parking of motor vehicles. ∙ Open sales lot. Any land used or occupied for the purpose of buying and selling any goods, materials, or merchandise, and for the storing of same under the open sky prior to sale. ∙ Open space. (See landscape lot area.) ∙ Ordinary high water level. The boundary of public waters and wetlands, and shall be an elevation delineating the highest water level which has been maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape and as determined by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The ordinary high water mark is commonly that point where the natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. (revised 02/22/10) ∙ Outdoor display and sales. The display of goods for sale or rent outside an enclosed building. (added 3/28/16) ∙ Park facilities. The use of any lots or parcel of land and any structure or building thereon for public active and passive recreation purposes by the Arden Hills Parks and Recreation Department or the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department. (added 11/25/13) ∙ Parking space. A land area of such shape and dimensions and so prepared as to be usable for the parking of a motor vehicle, and so located as to be readily accessible to a public street or alley. Truck loading and unloading space shall not be included in such area. ∙ Pathway, pedestrian way. A public or private way, running across or located within a platted lot or block or an unplatted parcel of land, used primarily for pedestrian traffic. ∙ Pawn shop. The location at which or premises in which a pawnbroker regularly conducts business. (added 7/14/10)