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B. Outdoor display and sales shall only be permitted in the following Zoning Districts: B-2, B-3, B-4, NB, and GB. C. An Administrative Permit shall be required from the Community Development Department to allow outdoor display and sales of goods. The Community Development Department shall review a site plan and specifics of the proposed outdoor display and sales area and may issue the permit, subject to, but not limited to, the following requirements: 1. The total display and sales area shall be determined based on the following formula: a. For properties with a principal building of 15,000 square feet or less in size, the permitted display and sales area shall be a maximum of 300 square feet. b. For properties with a principal building greater than 15,000 square feet in size, the permitted display and sales area shall be two percent of the base area of the principal building, but not to exceed 1,000 square feet. 2. Merchandise shall be stacked and/or arranged neatly on a hard surface and may be up to six feet in height. 3. The display and sales area shall be located adjacent to the principal building and on the side of the principal building with the main entrance. No merchandise shall be permitted to be displayed on Service Station islands. 4. The display and sales area shall not obstruct pedestrian access on the site, whether from parking areas to the building entrance or from the public street to the building entrance. 5. The display and sales area shall not occupy or obstruct on-site parking spaces. 6. The type of merchandise displayed shall be limited to items which require an outdoor location, such as plants or fuel, and any items which because of large volume or weight are housed outdoors, such as vending machines, salt, or landscaping materials. 7. Outdoor display and sales areas shall be screened when located within 200 feet of a residentially zoned property. (added 3/28/16) Subd. 5 Accessory Commercial Recreation - Outdoor. A. Commercial Recreation - Outdoor shall only be permitted as an accessory use on a property where the principal use is Commercial Recreation - Indoor. B. Commercial Recreation – Outdoor shall only be permitted in the B-2 General Business District. C. An Administrative Permit shall be required from the Community Development Department to allow outdoor recreational activities. The Community Development Department shall review a site plan and specifics of the proposed outdoor recreation area and may issue the permit, subject to, but not limited to, the following requirements: