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Lake Johanna Boulevard <br />Trail Design Study <br />Preliminary Design Development Report 5 September 27, 2022 <br />Public Engagement Process <br />Three rounds of engagement were completed for the Lake Johanna Boulevard Trail Design Study. <br />Round 1 <br />During the first round of public engagement from October to November 2021, Ramsey County held an in-person <br />open house on October 5, 2021 and a virtual open house on October 21, 2021. The purpose of the first round of <br />engagement was to introduce the project to the public, share existing conditions information and ask the public <br />about their experiences using Lake Johanna Boulevard and their visions for the corridor. Public feedback was <br />shared through paper and online surveys which received 199 responses and an online interactive map which <br />received 76 comments. <br />Round 2 <br />The county hosted a second virtual open house on March 1, 2022 to kick off the second round of public <br />engagement which ran through April 1, 2022. In this round, the county shared draft trail design concepts and asked <br />the public to provide feedback on them. The public was again able to provide feedback using an online survey and <br />interactive map which received 20 responses and 77 comments, respectively. <br />Round 3 <br />The third and final round of public engagement took place from July 7 through August 7, 2022 starting with an in- <br />person open house at Arden Hills City Hall. During this round of engagement, the county shared revised trail design <br />concepts and asked the public to provide feedback on them. Feedback was received during the open house itself <br />and through a short online survey which received 14 responses. <br />The meetings from each round of engagement were advertised in a variety of ways including postcards sent in the <br />mail, social media notices, newspaper advertisements, yard signs around the project area, and e-blasts to the <br />project distribution list. <br />The meetings were structured so that participants could opt to view a variety of materials prepared to outline the <br />concepts and solicit feedback including: <br />x A short presentation providing overview of project and open house materials. <br />x Detailed layout drawings for each option presented during rounds 2 and 3. <br />x Project website updates including project meeting materials as well as general project information. <br />x An online interactive map to allow participants to provide location specific comments. <br />x A short online and/or paper survey. <br />Open House Feedback Summary <br />In total, Ramsey County received 233 paper and/or online survey responses and 153 comments on the interactive <br />map. Common themes from comments received in both applications are summarized below. More detailed <br />information about the feedback received during each round of public engagement can be found in the <br />engagement summaries located in Appendices A - C. <br />Common Themes <br />x General support and excitement for the project. <br />x General sentiment that a trail separated from traffic/off-road is a needed safety improvement for <br />community use of the corridor. <br />x Support for locating the trail on either side of the roadway was expressed, with the west side/north side <br />location being slightly more favored especially as engagement progressed.