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HR Green, Inc. <br />Project B2204225 <br />October 3, 2022 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br /> <br />C. Recommendations <br /> <br />C.1. Design and Construction Discussion <br /> <br />C.1.a. Introduction <br />At the time of this report, the preferred trail alignment has not been decided. We understand the City of <br />Arden Hills prefers the trail be constructed on the west side of Old Highway 10. <br /> <br />C.1.b. Subgrade Preparation <br />If schedule, site constraints or other issues prevent scarification and drying operations, the contractor <br />may need to subcut some areas. We recommend the owner and contractor anticipate some removal and <br />replacement of these soils with imported sand, aggregate base, or crushed rock. <br /> <br />C.1.c. Reuse of On-Site Soils <br />The existing, non-organic, debris-free, clayey fill soils are suitable for reuse as engineered fill below <br />pedestrian trail pavement section. Portions of the existing fill may contain organic material, likely more <br />than revealed by the borings. We do not recommend reusing existing fill that contains debris or organic <br />material as structural fill. <br /> <br />C.1.d. Site Drainage <br />Some of the soils, such as silty sands, clayey sands and clay, will collect water from precipitation or if <br />water drains to the site. We recommend the contractor remove any water that collects in work areas <br />before performing further work. <br /> <br />C.1.e. Construction Disturbance <br />The contractor should note the on-site clayey soils are highly susceptible to disturbance, due to repeated <br />construction traffic. Disturbance of these soils may cause areas that were previously prepared, or that <br />were suitable for pavement or structure support, to become unstable and require moisture conditioning <br />and compaction. Subcutting and replacing the disturbed material with crushed, coarse gravel, free of <br />fines is also an alternative. The contractor should use means and methods to limit disturbance of the <br />soils. <br /> <br /> <br />40