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<br /> David Swearingen <br />January 25, 2023 <br /> <br /> <br /> 2 <br />Project evaluation criteria are specific to the application categories. Among the criteria, proposals must address <br />the project’s role in the regional transportation system and regional economy, age and cond ition of the <br />infrastructure, safety, connections, equity, and affordable housing. <br />Depending on the planned project timing, the Old Snelling Trail Project would best align with the Multiuse Trails <br />and Bicycle facilities, however depending on the ultimate limits and points of connectivity, it could potentially be a <br />candidate in the Safe Routes to School category. Latest rounds of project funding were finalized last December. <br />With the two-year cycle program, the next round criteria and categories are being reviewed by the Transportation <br />Advisory Board (TAB). So, the next round of applications would typically be in the spring of 2024. These would <br />typically be funding for projects slated for the following several years. <br />However, the Board is going to be discussing moving up the application process several months, to begin in the <br />winter of 2023, as we begin to talk about a possible overhaul of the process. There have also been discussions of <br />increasing the scoring weighs of safety, pedestrian/bicycle and mobility elements along all categories and <br />reducing dependence on increasing capacity for vehicles for more of a complete streets look at the systems. The <br />TAB has been working with staff on streamlining the application process to help make it a little easier and less <br />cumbersome for applicants. These changes might ab applicable in the next round of applications, prior to an <br />overhaul. <br />The met Council has several informative meetings and videos, program criteria, applications and past projects <br />and scoring available to help to best determine the best program to fit a project help self-sample score a project to <br />get an idea of where it might fall in previous scoring ranges. <br />The general timing for the process is: <br />- Early spring – application process announced <br />o Select a project and program that the City would like to apply for <br />o Gather data and complete on-line application <br />- Late spring – applications due <br />o TAC reviews applications for qualifying for scoring <br />- Early Summer – Scoring committees in each category scope applications <br />- Early fall – Committees prepare funding scenarios and projects for TAB consideration <br />- Fall – TAB selects and awards projects to receive funding <br />- Late fall – Met Council approves projects to receive funding <br />Again, there will be discussions to move the cycle up several months to potentially start in Fall/winter of 2023 <br />See attachment for links to additional program information <br /> <br />MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES –TRAIL GRANT PROGRAM <br />The MnDNR has several federal grants programs that they administer, which range from invasive species to rural <br />fire departments to trails and recreation. The recreation grants that seem most appropriate for the Old Snelling <br />Trail project seem to be the Local trail connection program. This program provides grants to local units of <br />government to promote relatively short trail connections between where people live and desirable locations, not to <br />develop significant new trails. Grant funding reimbursement is based on 75% of the total eligible project costs