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Potential Partnership with Great River Greening <br />for the Purpose of Habitat Restoration in Arden Hills Parks <br />We showed the representatives of Great River Greening four Arden Hills parks that we believed are best suited for <br />restoration at this time: three where city staff and volunteers have been working to remove buckthorn (Floral, <br />Hazelnut and Chatham Trails) and one where work has not begun but was listed as a “high priority area” by the Rice <br />Creek Watershed District in the city’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br />The following is a summary of their initial impressions with preliminary cost estimates. <br />“With the varying degree of work being done across the four parks and the amount of maintenance the City would <br />need to take on/coordinate after grant-funded work is completed, it would be best to look at phasing these parks over <br />several funding cycles. I want to make sure anything we do or propose sets the City and others involved for <br />long-term success. <br />Here are my initial thoughts and are open for discussion.” - Todd Rexine, Director of Operations and Programs, Great <br />River Greening <br />Phase 1 - Hazelnut and Floral Parks Notes: there has been a lot of work done to date by [city staff and] <br />volunteers. The sites just need the next big push. Open grown oaks at Floral point towards more of a Savanna <br />restoration.(rough estimates: $104,500 for Floral Park and $70,000 for Hazelnut Park) <br />Develop a Parks Natural Resource Management Plan encompassing Hazelnut, Floral, Perry and <br />Chatham if not in place already. <br />Woodland/Forested Areas: <br />●Continued management of invasive species (Broadleaf and woody). <br />●Tree thinning and possible ash removal. There are a lot of trees of similar age class and not a lot of signs of <br />oak regeneration due to dense canopy. <br />●60% -70% reduction of the dead and down material. <br />●All wood material being removed would either be chipped and hauled off or ideally be processed as Biochar <br />on site and spread back out. <br />●Initial planting of the ground layer with a simple savanna/woodland grass mix – This will help create a fuel <br />load in prep for any future prescribed burn regime. <br />●After tree thinning, selective tree and shrub planting of desirable species. <br />○Floral Park specific-> Some of the planting areas would be in areas with a heavy poplar presence. <br />The Poplars are a successional tree species and would provide a nursery environment while longer <br />term species develop. Set up 2 year watering regime for all planted trees and shrubs. <br />●In the last year of the grant, plant and seed flowering plants. Planted material would be in 10x10 nursery <br />plots that could be divided down the road and transplanted across the sites. <br />Prairie Areas:Primarily Hazelnut but there is a section at Floral under the powerlines. <br />●Remove shrubs and trees that have encroached into the areas. <br />●Conduct a vegetation assessment. <br />●Burn off sites if able. Otherwise mow off sites and remove material. <br />●If there is primarily undesirable vegetation, reset the site by killing off the vegetation and reseeding. <br /> Attachment C
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