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<br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />providing clear visual indicators through door placement, signage, striping, raised <br />pathways, and integrating landscaping components. An internal sidewalk system shall link <br />the primary entrance of each building on site with the public sidewalk or trail network. <br />a. The Applicant is proposing to add a walkway to the existing sidewalk along County <br />Road E. The Public Works Director/City Engineer commented that the sidewalk <br />connection is approved as long as Ramsey County has no issues. Planning staff did <br />forward the application to Ramsey Count y for review and they had no additional <br />comments or concerns. It was noted that if there is a need in the future for the City <br />or County to remove any portion of the proposed walkway shown within the <br />easement, this would be done without replacement. <br /> <br />4. Bicycle Parking – The city code states bicycle parking shall be located in a safe, designated <br />area and should be within 50 feet of the primary building entrance. Bicycle racks shall be <br />visible either from within the building or the public right-of-way. For commercial uses, <br />one (1) bicycle parking space shall be provided for every 20 automobile parking spaces. A <br />minimum of two (2) parking spaces is required. <br />a. The Applicant has stated in their application that they are intending to add bicycle <br />racks as part of this project, but it is not stated how many spaces would be provided. <br />Based on the number of post outdoor patio remodel off-street parking spaces, the <br />Subject Property would be required to install 14 bicycle parking spaces. <br /> <br />Zoning Code Text Amendments <br /> <br />The purpose of the B-2 General Business District is to: <br />x Be a place in which people can live, work and play. <br />x Create a compact, architecturally diverse, pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly community <br />with a distinct identity. <br />x Provide a connected sidewalk system and places for people to gather and socialize. To <br />implement design standards to promote an attractive environment with lasting and <br />sustainable value. <br />x Group compatible retail and service business uses that tend to draw trade that is naturally <br />interchangeable and promotes business prosperity. <br />x Provide an adequate supply of businesses and professional service areas to meet the needs <br />of the residents. <br />x Minimize the effects of traffic congestion, noise, odor, glare and similar safety problems. <br /> <br />According to the Applicant, the proposed ordinance amendment will enhance the recreation <br />activities within the community to all ages. Their narrative states that a bowling alley is primarily <br />a winter recreational activity. The requested ordinance amendment will help their business <br />increase the customer visits to include the spring and summer months. <br /> <br />Currently the city code is absent of land use language permitting any type of commercial recreation <br />activity outside of the building in any of the zoning districts. To allow this land use, the City’s <br />Zoning Code would need to be amended to add a definition for Commercial Recreation – Outdoor <br />and to designate this type of land use as an accessory use in the B-2 General Business District. <br />Staff has prepared text amendments based on the Applicant’s narrative as well as a few other text