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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – MARCH 13, 2023 8 <br />Councilmember Holden explained the County filled some of the potholes along New Brighton <br />Road, but not all of the potholes. She asked that staff speak with Ramsey County to ensure the <br />remaining potholes on New Brighton Road are filled and requested information be included in this <br />week’s Admin Update. <br />Councilmember Holden supported the City completing a City-wide survey and asked that this <br />item be placed on a work session agenda. <br />Councilmember Holden discussed the communication Alatus had with the City and reviewed the <br />terms from Ramsey County. She reported the City did not receive these terms until January 2023. <br />She stated it was a real shame that this information had not been provided to the City sooner. <br />Councilmember Rousseau explained she also supported the City completing a City-wide survey <br />and discussing this at a future work session. <br />Councilmember Rousseau commented on the items that were discussed by the PTRC at their last <br />meeting. She welcomed Nancy Jacobsen to the PTRC and noted the PTRC still had one open seat. <br />Councilmember Rousseau stated the Planning Commission met on March 8 and discussed two <br />planning cases. She requested the Council add the removal of racial covenants to a future work <br />session. <br />Mayor Grant stated Barr Engineering and Consulting has sent the City a wellhead plan from <br />Shoreview. He reported this plan has to be reviewed and commented on by City Staff. <br />Mayor Grant explained he received a plan review approval request for the watermain at County <br />Road E and Old Snelling from the Department of Health. <br />Mayor Grant requested staff speak with Ramsey County regarding the retaining walls that had <br />deteriorated and needed to be replaced in 2023. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen reported he had reached out to the County <br />and they reported the project was on hold as of now but they are planning to replace the retaining <br />walls this year. <br />Mayor Grant requested an update on the Met Council water conservation program. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported funding for this program was through the Legacy Grant <br />Program with the State of Minnesota and this funding ended in 2022. <br />Mayor Grant explained he attended the administrator and city manager meeting this afternoon. <br />He noted the city of Roseville would be making changes to require EV charging stations. <br />Mayor Grant supported the City addressing racial covenants that may be in place in conjunction <br />with Just Deeds. He reported residents may not realize their deeds have certain restrictions in <br />place from many years. He recommended this topic be further addressed at a future work session.