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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — MARCH 13, 2023 6 <br />could provide at least six weeks of paid leave. She supported the Council having a conversation <br />around the value of its employees. She asked if the City valued putting money into its employees <br />or did the City value something else. She explained she supported putting pay back into its <br />employees and allowing them to have time with their children. She understood that not every <br />employee may need six weeks, but she wanted to see the City having that as an option for new <br />parents. She understood it was important to have the Public Works Department fully staffed, but <br />she also understood raising families was just as important. She indicated she did not support the <br />policy as is and noted if it were approved, she would be bringing it back for further consideration <br />because she believed the City could do more. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion to <br />Approve Personnel Policy Update Pertaining To Paid Parenting Leave <br />Language. <br />Mayor Grant stated he believed it was important for the City to offer its employees paid parental <br />leave. He explained the Personnel Committee reviewed this item and offered their support. <br />Councilmember Fabel reported he spoke with staff regarding the proposed policy and learned <br />that the policy was fair when compared to communities of like size. <br />Mayor Grant agreed this was a fair assessment, noting some communities offered two weeks of <br />paid parental leave, some offered six to eight weeks and some offered none. <br />The motion to Approve Personnel Policy Update Pertaining To Paid <br />Parenting Leave Language carried (5-0). <br />B. Motion To Approve Resolution 2023-012 Relating To No Mow May For <br />Arden Hills Residents And Businesses <br />City Administrator Perrault stated at the February work session, the City Council discussed No <br />Mow May and directed Staff to move forward with bringing forward a resolution for approval that <br />would allow residences and businesses the opportunity to participate. No Mow May is an effort to <br />help protect pollinators during the spring season. He discussed how the City would manage <br />complaints noting properties would have to be brought into compliance by June 10. <br />Councilmember Holden stated she wanted citizens to be aware of No Mow May. She explained <br />Arden Hills was a complaint based City and reported residents would have until June 10 to bring <br />their lawn into compliance. <br />Councilmember Rousseau recommended an article be included in an upcoming City newsletter <br />to provide the public with further information on No Mow May. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported an article has been included in the upcoming March <br />newsletter. <br />