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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MARCH 20, 2023 11 <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said PTRC members have been asked to use <br />the online request tracker (Report a Concern) to report issues. They have developed their own <br />checklist to use when they go through the parks/trails. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if staff had contacted MnDOT to see why they stopped cutting <br />buckthorn on Highway 51 at the Arden Hills line. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said he had played phone tag with someone <br />last year but he can re-engage the conversation. <br />Councilmember Holden suggested they send a formal letter. <br />Mayor Grant noted that the City will repair mailboxes if they are physically hit with a plow, not <br />just an ice chunk hitting a mailbox. <br />Councilmember Holden said she would like to have a professional do the crack sealing on the <br />courts instead of staff. <br />C. Tree Management Plan Discussion <br />After discussion the Council agreed to the following: <br />• Contract with Rainbow Tree Care to provide EAB treatment to City ash trees by injection <br />and a discount to residents to treat existing ash trees on private property. <br />Contract with Rainbow Tree Care to provide EAB treatment to City ash trees by ground <br />treatment. <br />Contract with Rainbow Tree Care to provide two -lined chestnut -borer treatment to City <br />oak trees. <br />Add extra trees to the scope for Margolis Company, utilizing the remaining budget in the <br />tree fund. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding buddy trees being installed once there is additional money in <br />the landscaping fund. <br />D. Public Inquiry Language Update <br />Council agreed to new language as shown in the memo: This is an opportunity for citizens to <br />respectfully bring to the Council's attention any items which are relevant to the City. In <br />addressing the Council, you must first state your name and address for the record. Comments shall <br />be limited to three (3) minutes or less. Written documents may be distributed to the Council prior <br />to the start of the meeting to allow a more timely presentation. Council will generally not respond <br />at the same meeting where an issue is initially raised by a member of the public but the Council <br />may refer the issue to staff for further research and possible report or action at a future Council <br />meeting. <br />Councilmember Holden noted litigation was not included because we are not presently in <br />litigation. The litigation language was added on the advice of the League of Minnesota Cities, our <br />attorneys and insurer. <br />