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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — APRIL 10, 2023 13 <br />Community Development Director Jagoe reported the Planning Commission recommended <br />adoption of Ordinances 2023-002 and 2023-003 as well as authorization to publish a Summary <br />Ordinance for Planning Case 23-004 for Zoning Code Amendments in Sections 1305.04, 1320.04 <br />— Subd. 17, 1320.05, 1320.15 of the Arden Hills City Code to allow Solar Energy System as a <br />Conditional Use in the Conservation District, based on the findings of fact and the April 10, 2023 <br />Report to the City Council. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Monson seconded a <br />motion to adopt Ordinance 2023-002 Amending Section 1305, Subsection <br />1305.04 of the Arden Hills City Code to allow Solar Energy System as a <br />Conditional Use in the Conservation District, based on the findings of fact and <br />the April 10, 2023 Report to the City Council. <br />Councilmember Monson explained she fully supported the ordinance amendment. She believed <br />this would be a fantastic location for a potential solar array. <br />Councilmember Holden stated for the record the Primer Tracer property was going up for <br />auction. <br />Mayor Grant noted he supported the ordinance amendment as well. <br />A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried (5-0). <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Monson seconded a <br />motion to Ordinance 2023-003 Amending Section 1320, Subsections 1320.04, <br />1320.05 and 1320.15 of the Arden Hills City Code to allow Solar Energy <br />System as a Conditional Use in the Conservation District, based on the <br />findings of fact and the April 10, 2023 Report to the City Council. A roll call <br />vote was taken. The motion carried (5-0). <br />MOTION: Councilmember Monson moved and Councilmember Fabel seconded a motion <br />Authorizing Publication of Summary Ordinance 2023-002 and 2023-003. The <br />motion carried (5-0). <br />C. Resolution 2023-017 — Planning Case 23-003 — Minor Subdivision And <br />Variance For 1174 Edgewater Avenue <br />Community Development Director Jagoe stated Mike Mezzenga ("The Applicant') has <br />requested the approval of a Minor Subdivision and Variance for the property located at 1174 <br />Edgewater Avenue ("Subject Property"). The Applicant is proposing to split the property into two <br />lots for future redevelopment with single family residential dwellings. To construct this proposal, <br />the Applicant is seeking three variances based on applicable zoning code definitions and <br />minimum lot standards. Staff commented further on the request and offered the following <br />Findings of Fact: <br />