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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — APRIL 10, 2023 25 <br />City Council running the City and doing City business. He reported he held SPAAR in high <br />regard, but would rather see the Council taking action on items that ran the City, versus <br />addressing items on social issues. He did anticipate the Council would do no harm by approving <br />this proclamation. <br />Councilmember Monson supported the Council addressing the proclamation policy at a future <br />worksession meeting. <br />Councilmember Rousseau recognized proclamations can set a cultural reference for the <br />community. She understood one proclamation may lead to another, which would lead to a can of <br />worms. She believed this proclamation was rather benign and for this reason she would like to see <br />the proclamation moving forward in April. <br />Councilmember Fabel requested the Council take action on this item at this meeting. <br />A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried 4-1 (Councilmember Holden <br />opposed). <br />11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />None. <br />12. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mayor Grant thanked everyone who participated in the easter egg hunt. <br />Mayor Grant stated after speaking with several members in the military he learned the Red Bulls <br />would be holding a flag burning ceremony and they would be pleased to work with the City on <br />this event. <br />Mayor Grant reported Ramsey County put in a request for 800 megahertz service. He noted he <br />sent an individual letter of recommendation for the County's grant request. <br />Mayor Grant explained he was approached by a resident that made him aware Arden Hills was <br />named one of the top ten best suburbs to buy a house and raise a family in Minnesota by Niche <br />Ratings for Minnesota. He suggested staff put this information on the City's website. <br />Mayor Grant encouraged the JDA to allow residents to speak for longer than two minutes. <br />Mayor Grant requested the JDA liaisons speak to the fact the County wanted to move forward <br />with the thumb property as a way to raise capital and put this officially in the minutes. That way <br />he would not need a letter. <br />Mayor Grant commented he hoped the request for developer interest on the thumb property <br />would turn out well. He hoped that the citizens of Arden Hills would be able to have input on this <br />process. <br />
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