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MINNESOTA GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD <br />ChecKUst for Exemnt Hattie <br />4/22 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Organization Name: Previous Gambling Permit 0: Date of Raffle Drawing: <br />Ducks Unlimited North Suburban Chapter X- 03315-23-019 June 10, 2023 <br />INSTRUCTIONS: <br />• The purpose of this form is to help your organization conduct exempt raffles in compliance with the requirements listed <br />below. Detailed information regarding each requirement is available by clicking on the following links [in blue italics): 1) <br />applicable statutes and rules; 2) the Lawful Gambling Manual chapter on raffles; 3) the online class, "Conduct of Raffles"; and <br />4) the phone number and email address of your county's Compliance Specialist. <br />• After reading each checklist item, mark "Yes" to indicate that you understand the requirement and agree to comply. After <br />answering "Yes" to each applicable item, your organization's CEO must sign the acknowledgment below. Include the <br />completed checklist as part of your application to conduct an exempt raffle. <br />• If tickets will be sold prior to the event, <br />mark "Yes" to item #1 and mark "N/A" to <br />items #2 and #3. <br />• If tickets are sold only at the event using <br />theater tickets, mark "N/A" to item #1 and <br />Yes N/A answer "Yes" to items #2 and #3. <br />a 1. Tickets are printed in accordance with MN <br />Rule 7861.0310. <br />I 11:1 <br />2. Tickets contain the sequential number of <br />the raffle ticket. (349.173) <br />3. A list of prizes and a statement of other <br />❑ El <br />relevant information is made available to <br />ticket purchasers. (349.173) <br />Yes Prizes <br />a 4. The organization is the sole owner of all the real or <br />personal property to be awarded. (7861.0260) <br />5. A merchandise certificate is used when a prize <br />requiring registration or licensure (guns, cars, <br />ATVs, etc.) is offered. (7861.0260) <br />6. Prizes must not consist of lawful gambling <br />equipment including raffle tickets for another <br />raffle. (7861.0260) <br />7. The total value of lawful gambling prizes awarded <br />(use fair market value for donated prizes) does not <br />exceed 550.000 in a calendar vear. (349.1661 <br />8. Alcohol is only awarded as a prize to persons who <br />ademonstrate that they are 21 years of age or older <br />(340A.707) <br />Yes I Conduct <br />9. Only cash, personal checks, cashier's checks, <br />money orders, travelers' check, and debit cards <br />may be accepted (NO CREDIT CARDS). (349.2127) <br />(7861.0260) <br />' 10. The method of selection cannot be manipulated or <br />v- based on the outcome of an event not under the <br />organization's control. (349.173) <br />11. Persons are not required to be present at a raffle <br />adrawing to be eligible to win. (349.173) <br />(7861.0310) <br />RIJ 12. Raffle tickets are not sold to or won by persons <br />underage 18. (349.181) (7861.0310) <br />13. Purchasers are not required to buy anything other <br />than the ticket. (349.173) (7861.0310) <br />Yes House Rules <br />14. Clear and legible house rules in accordance with <br />MN Rule 7861.0310 are prominently posted at the <br />point of winner selection. <br />Yes Post Raffle Conduct <br />15. An exempt permit financial report (LG220A) must <br />be submitted to the Gambling Control Board <br />within 30 days of the gambling occasion. (349.166 <br />16. Gambling funds may only be spent for allowable <br />expenses and lawful purposes. (349.12 3a & 25) <br />a 17. Gambling records must be kept for 3'% years. <br />(7861.0310) <br />CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) <br />Noncompliant Activity: I acknowledge by signing below that my organization must follow all raffle rules and that any gambling activity conducted <br />by the organization at the event that is not in compliance with Minnesota Statute and Rule may subject the organization to citation or the inability <br />to receive future permits to conduct gambling. I understand that my permit will not be issued until this form has been completed and submitted to <br />the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. <br />Sign atu Dat Print Name: I <br />z� ��L( (7-3 Peter Belsito <br />Data privacy notice: The information requested on this <br />form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling <br />Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's <br />qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in <br />Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to <br />supply the information; however, if your organization <br />refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be <br />able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as <br />a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your <br />organization supplies the information requested, the Board <br />Your organization's name and address will be public <br />information when received by the Board. All other <br />information provided will be private data about your <br />organization until the Board issues the permit. When the <br />Board issues the permit, all information provided will <br />become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all <br />information provided remains private, with the exception <br />of your organization's name and address which will remain <br />public. Private data about your organization are available <br />to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access <br />Safety: Attorney General; Commissioners of <br />Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and <br />Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international <br />gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court <br />order; other individuals and agencies specifically <br />authorized by state or federal law to have access to the <br />information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal <br />order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after <br />this notice was given; and anyone with your written <br />consent. <br />This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e., large print, braille) upon request. <br />An equal opportunity employer <br />