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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—APRIL 10, 2023 15 <br /> 2. The Applicant shall record the drainage and utility easements as required under the <br /> Subdivision ordinance on the recorded survey with Ramsey County and a copy shall be <br /> provided to the City within sixty(60) days of the City's approval. <br /> 3. The Applicant shall pay the required park development fee of$6,500 for Tract B prior to <br /> issuance of permits for either lot within the Minor Subdivision. <br /> 4. Monument stakes shall be installed to demarcate the property lines between Tract A and <br /> Tract B. <br /> 5. A Building Permit shall be required on each lot for construction of the new dwelling. <br /> 6. The proposed buildings shall conform to all other standards and regulations in the City <br /> Code. <br /> 7. A Grading and Erosion permit for each lot shall be obtained from the City's <br /> PW/Engineering Division prior to commencing any grading, land disturbance or utility <br /> activities. <br /> 8. Upon completion of grading and utility work on the site, a grading as-built and utility as- <br /> built shall be provided to the City. <br /> 9. Final grading, drainage, and utility plans shall be subject to approval by the Public Works <br /> Director/City Engineer prior to the issuance of a grading and erosion control permit or <br /> other development permits. <br /> 10. Heavy duty silt fence and adequate erosion control around the entire construction site shall <br /> be required and maintained by the Applicant during construction to ensure that sediment <br /> and storm water does not leave the project site. <br /> 11. The Applicant shall be responsible for providing verification of approval and obtaining <br /> any permit necessary from the Rice Creek Watershed District prior to the start of any site <br /> activities. <br /> 12. A separate right-of-way permit for each lot shall be required for work performed within <br /> the City right-of-way. <br /> 13. The Applicant shall be responsible for obtaining a Sanitary Sewer Connect Permit. <br /> 14. The Applicant shall be responsible for obtaining a Water Connect Permit. <br /> 15. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall be financially responsible for <br /> 100 percent of all applicable sewer connection, sewer availability, water connection, water <br /> availability and Metropolitan Council SAC charges. <br /> 16. A Tree Preservation Plan shall be required as part of the Building Permit application for <br /> the new dwelling on Tract A and Tract B. Any tree removal, preservation, and mitigation <br /> shall be completed in accordance with City Code Section 1325.055. <br /> 17. Future development on Tract A would be evaluated as presented in Site Plan B designating <br /> the north and east elevations as the required front yards. <br /> 18. Future development on Tract B would be evaluated as presented in Site Plan B designating <br /> the north and east elevation as the required front yards. <br /> 19. The Minor Subdivision shall be required to comply with all applicable provisions of <br /> Section 1330, Shoreland Regulations and the Applicant is to submit an updated certificate <br /> of survey in satisfaction of these requirements prior to issuance of any building permits for <br /> the new home construction on Tract A or B. <br /> 20. Tract A as shown on Site Plan B as measured from the south property line shall adhere to a <br /> side yard setback of no less than 10 feet. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if this request meets and/or exceeds the shoreline ordinance. <br />