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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—APRIL 10, 2023 5 <br /> have Alatus act as the master developer for the California piece. He noted this has not been <br /> approved by the County or Alatus. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned when this would be decided. <br /> City Administrator Perrault anticipated this would occur before a decision was made on the <br /> thumb property. <br /> Mayor Grant stated the initial intention of the JDA was to have a master developer over the <br /> entire development. He explained the JDA did not want a developer to come in an select only <br /> certain sections to develop. He feared this would now occur through the development of the <br /> thumb property, noting he understood this would be a County initiated project. He asked that staff <br /> request a letter from the County requesting information as to their intention on the thumb <br /> property. <br /> City Administrator Perrault asked if this was the consensus of the Council. <br /> Councilmember Holden explained the JPA states the project would have one master developer. <br /> She questioned how the thumb property could be sold separately. She feared Alatus could sue the <br /> City if this parcel was removed from the TCAAP development. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik advised the JPA allows flexibility for the parties to change transactional <br /> details, goals and objectives. He reported there would be flexibility, if the JDA wants to proceed <br /> or modify the transactional details. He explained any lawsuits brought by the developer would be <br /> levied against the JDA and not the City or the County, although the County could be named as a <br /> separate party based on the real estate transaction. He indicated the JDA has insurance in place to <br /> address any litigation that would arise with the master developer or any other party. <br /> Mayor Grant commented he would still like a basic letter from the County that states they would <br /> like to move forward with the thumb property. <br /> Councilmember Fabel indicated this letter would not be at the request of the City Council, unless <br /> there was consensus. He stated one commitment that was being made by the new JDA members <br /> was that they would not be pursuing a contentious relationship with the County. He explained the <br /> City would not be confrontational with the County, but rather would move forward as a <br /> cooperative partner. He did not support the City demanding a letter from the County at this time. <br /> He reported the County was strapped for cash because this project has been delayed for six years. <br /> He stated the County could not do anything on this project until they had some cash in hand. He <br /> explained the JDA would be working on a new agreement with the developer in a cooperative <br /> manner. He suggested the Mayor attend a future JDA meeting and ask the County representatives <br /> why they were doing what they were doing. <br /> Mayor Grant stated the County told the JDA they wanted to develop the thumb property and the <br /> JDA offered their support. He reported the development of this property was being done outside <br /> of the JDA. <br />
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