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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — MAY 8, 2023 <br />5 <br />reported staff and SRF understood how important it would be to communicate the project phasing <br />to the public. <br />Councilmember Holden requested a communication be sent to local businesses in the next week <br />to let them know about the upcoming project before they hire all of their summer help. <br />Public Works Director Swearingen explained he would work with SRF and the County on this. <br />Councilmember Monson concurred an email communication should be sent to local business <br />owners. <br />Mayor Grant requested the communication from staff inform business owners that this was a <br />County led project. <br />6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. April 10, 2023, Regular City Council <br />Councilmember Holden noted she had a correction to the minutes that she discussed with staff. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Rousseau seconded a <br />motion to approve the April 10, 2023, Regular City Council meeting minutes <br />as amended. The motion carried (5-0). <br />7. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />A. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Item - Claims and Payroll <br />Te The City's Series 2015 Note, Series 201 !A Nete And Series 2012A Net-e <br />(Pr-esb�4er-ian Homes Of Ar-den Hills, Me.) <br />C. Motion To Approve Acknowledgment Of The Application Of Ducks Unlimited <br />North Suburban Chapter 239 For An Exempt Permit To Conduct A Raffle With <br />The Event Being June 24, 2023, With No Waiting Period <br />D. Motion To Authorize An Application For Grant Funding For Buckthorn Removal <br />At Hazelnut And Floral Parks Utilizing Great River Greening <br />E. Motion To Approve Invoice For Bulk Road Salt Purchase <br />F. Motion To Approve Resolution 2023-023 Local Match Commitment For Lake <br />Johanna Boulevard Trail Project: 2024 Met Council Regional Solicitation <br />G. Motion To Approve Supplemental Agreement With Ramsey County For The <br />Lexington Avenue Reconstruction Project — Vac -Truck Excavation Charges <br />H. Motion To Approve Quotes For Pump Replacements And Pumping Services — Lift <br />Station Nos. 7 And 13 Rehabilitation Projects <br />MOTION: Councilmember Monson moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br />motion to approve the Consent Calendar as amended and to authorize <br />execution of all necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried <br />(5-0 . <br />