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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — MAY 8, 2023 13 <br />Reinhardt eluding to the fact the City would be holding its own open houses. He reiterated that he <br />represents all residents of Arden Hills and he wanted all residents invited to an open house for <br />TCAAP. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Monson moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br />motion that the Council consider holding a TCAAP Open House on the <br />condition staff has coordinated sufficiently with the JDA and Goff Public <br />Consulting and that the matter be further discussed at a future worksession. <br />Councilmember Holden stated her only concern was with the events that occurred in the City <br />Administrator's life. She hoped that the open house could be balanced out. She wanted to make <br />sure City Administrator Perrault was taking time for his family. <br />Mayor Grant explained the Senior Planner would be coming on full time on June 5th which <br />would provide the City more bandwidth. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if this item would be on the next Council worksession agenda. <br />Councilmember Monson stated her intent was to allow City Administrator time to discuss the <br />open house with the JDA and Goff Public Consulting prior to bringing this item back before the <br />City Council at a worksession meeting. <br />Councilmember Holden supported the Council discussing this topic further a worksession in <br />order to provide staff with the items and matters that should be addressed at the open house. <br />Mayor Grant stated he would like to see this happening faster rather than slowly. He hoped the <br />City could hold an open house in the next six weeks. <br />Councilmember Monson did not believe this was a sufficient amount of time to hold an open <br />house. She recommended a worksession on the open house be held in June or July and that the <br />open house be held at the end of summer. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if the Council were to discuss this at a high level at the next <br />worksession and from there staff could be directed to proceed with planning an open house for <br />later this summer. <br />City Administrator Perrault commented his only concern was that it would be difficult to <br />understand how to move forward and what the different aspects of the project would be. He stated <br />it would be hard to tell what direction this project was heading early this summer. <br />Councilmember Holden stated because this was a fluid situation, the public would not be <br />expecting fine details, but rather would like to know some simple facts at a face to face open <br />house. <br />Mayor Grant questioned how many open houses the City held in 2013, 2014 and 2015. <br />