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CONSENT ITEM — 7B <br />,--ARZEN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: May 22, 2023 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Dave Perrault, City Administrator <br />FROM: Julie Hanson, Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk <br />SUBJECT: Ordinance 2023-005 Amending the 2023 Fee Schedule <br />Budgeted Amount: Actual Amount: Funding Source: <br />N/A N/A N/A <br />Council Should Consider <br />Motions to approve, table, or deny the following: <br />• Approving Ordinance 2023-005 Amending the 2023 Fee Schedule <br />• Authorizing Publication of a Summary Ordinance <br />Approval for authorization to publish a Summary Ordinance of 2023-005 requires an affirmative vote of four City Councilmembers. <br />Backl1round <br />Staff is proposing two amendments to the 2023 Fee Schedule. The first is a simple housekeeping <br />edit related to Copying charges on page 1 of the Fee Schedule to include "legal size" in addition to <br />the reference to the standard size of 8'/2 x 11 at a rate of $.25 per page. Large size remains at $.50 <br />per page. This is to comply with State Statute. <br />The second proposed amendment relates to the requirement for a Commercial Recreation Outdoor <br />permit. The City Council approved a Zoning Code amendment on April 24, 2023 that provided <br />language to define and allow for an accessory commercial recreational outdoor activity (cornhole, <br />horseshoes, bocce ball, etc.) as an accessory use in the B-2 General Business District. The <br />amendment included the requirement for an administrative permit. <br />The administrative permit may be issued by the Community Development Department following <br />staff review of a site plan and specifics and is subject to various requirements (see Section 3 of <br />Attachment A). Staff recommends the fee for this permit be $100 (for staff review time, <br />administrative issuance of the permit, and inspections). This fee is also in keeping with a similar <br />permit for Commercial Outdoor Display and Sales Area (also $100). <br />Should the City Council approve the two proposed amendments (clarification of copy charges and <br />a fee of $100 for a newly created Commercial Recreation Outdoor permit), staff would also request <br />authorization to publish a Summary Ordinance due to the length of the full Fee Schedule. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />