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<br /> TCAAP Site Considered for Stadium
<br /> n
<br /> Pulte Homes Project POSta C U StO fTl e r The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents March 2011
<br /> l Libraryfor Sale TCAAP considered as potential stadium site
<br /> d Councilmember Holden Honored eaders from Ramsey County and The resolution does not address stadium On February 28,the
<br /> the Minnesota Vikings are negotiat- funding and does not set any deadlines. Arden Hills City
<br /> e Scott Freyberger is Employee of Year Ling to possibly bring a stadium to Council approved its
<br /> Arden Hills. In a 6-1 vote February 15,the The County action was preceded by a resolution declar-
<br /> Ramsey County Board of Commissioners letter from the Vikings owners expressing ing its intent to
<br /> approved a resolution to study the viability interest in the TCAAP site but noting the work with all the
<br /> of a public stadium on the western edge of Vikings organization is still pursuing other stakeholders to address
<br /> the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant options as well.Eleven State Legislators environmental remediation
<br /> (TCAAP),near Highway 10 and 1-35W. signed a letter to the County Board pro- issues and identify needed public
<br /> The resolution notes that a stadium pres- testing the potential use of a County sales transportation and infrastructure improve-
<br /> Notes from the City Council ents an opportunity to"cost-effectively tax increase to help finance the stadium. ments.The resolution also authorizes
<br /> remediate the land and improve transporta- The letter also questions whether Vikings the City Manager to cooperate with the
<br /> There has been a lot of media cover- rewards for the City?One big question is need to monitor the issue and ensure the tion infrastructure and stimulate economic officials are using the Arden Hills site as County on its due diligence analysis and
<br /> age about Arden Hills,TCAAP,and how the stadium would get TCAAP land. City is not put at risk. development."The resolution provides a bargaining chip to secure a better deal directs staff to provide the County with a
<br /> the Vikings.To tell the truth,I haven't yet Who would own the land and how would County contingency funding to analyze to rebuild the Metrodome at its current list of the major infrastructure and other
<br /> given it a lot of thought since there are the Army transfer the land?Could the City In the meantime we are still negotiating the potential benefits and detriments of a location. On February 18 the Twin Cities requirements for City support.Like the
<br /> about a million pieces that need to fall into demand a higher level of remediation on with Mn/DOT and the County on road stadium and authorizes County leaders to North Chamber of Commerce Board of County measure,the City resolution notes
<br /> place before anything could ever happen. the stadium site?What will a City later construction projects,finishing the Coun- negotiate with City,State,and other inter- Directors unanimously passed a resolution the potential for a stadium to remediate the
<br /> do with a 40-year-old stadium?How does cil priority-setting retreat,and learning to ested parties,all of which would have to supporting a stadium at TCAAR land,improve transportation infrastruc-
<br /> TCAAP,we've been told,will be going up the City get tax revenue and how would it work together as a new Council. Hope it come together to approve a stadium plan. ture,and stimulate economic development.
<br /> for public auction(sometime?).However, pay for public safety costs?I am open to stops snowing soon. Details are available on the City website.
<br /> it is unlikely the state will allow the Army the possibility of the Vikings coming to Sincerely,
<br /> to include just a general,non-specific TCAAP,but there still are many issues to Pulte Homes seeks to build 39 houses in Arden Hills
<br /> remediation plan in the invitation for bid. overcome. So until the first couple items
<br /> It would be difficult to define the cleanupon the list of a million happen,the Ci �' `t� ulte Group is purchasing 25 acres of which will create about 39 buildable home It would appear on the City Council's
<br /> PP � City P � P g PP tY
<br /> standard in writing before it is known isn't spending much time on the issue. We Brenda Holden,Councilmember undeveloped land at the southeast sites.Approximately six acres will be agenda soon thereafter.Watch the City
<br /> what will be located on any particular corner of Highway 96 and Snelling used for roadways and wetland or pond- calendar,available on the City's website,
<br /> Snow: w� N���onbly not done yet
<br /> piece of TCAAP land.There is another -'' Avenue.After TCAAP,this is the largest ing areas.This leaves nearly 20 acres for for meeting dates and agendas.
<br /> � �
<br /> obstacle as well:A developer will need a contiguous piece of undeveloped land in home construction,which allows for lot
<br /> substantial amount of up-front money to Reminders about snow-removal policy the City.It is zoned R-1,single-family sizes that meet or exceed the City's zon- Pulte Group is an award-winning home
<br /> purchase,do remediation,demolish the The City's Snowplowing,Snow Removal,and Ice Control Policy states that"the residential. ing ordinances. builder with operations in 68 markets in
<br /> buildings,and build infrastructure. practice of moving snow from driveways into the street causes a very serious traffic 29 states and the District of Columbia.The
<br /> problem.When the snow freezes and a vehicle hits a rough spot,it could At the January 31 City Council work ses- The plan calls for building a new curving company started in 1950 when Bill Pulte
<br /> That being said,and with the economy be thrown out of control and an accident might occur.It is prohibited to sion Pulte presented two conceptual plans street from Snelling Avenue to the south built his first home in Detroit.It became a
<br /> still"sluggish,"TCAAP is going to need blow,shovel,or plow any snow back onto,or across any City street."This for dividing the land into lots and con- end of Keithson Drive and for extending publicly-traded company in 1969.By 2007
<br /> a large anchor tenant with money that can policy also prohibits moving snow from one private property to another. structing single-family homes.After dis- Royal Hills Drive north to meet this new Pulte Homes had delivered its 500,000th
<br /> bring in other development to the TCAAP (i.e.,It is illegal to push snow from a private driveway across a public cussion,the Council encouraged Pulte to street.This plan not only gives the new home.It sells homes under four brand
<br /> site.A Vikings stadium could bring much street on to the boulevard area of another private property.)This has been move forward with the less dense option, houses access to more than one entrance names:Pulte Homes(serving primarily
<br /> to TCAAP,and to the surrounding a serious issue this season due to the amount of snow and the lack of stor- and exit route,but for the first time the move-up buyers),Centex(serving primar-
<br /> I-694/35W infrastructure,all for ten games age areas. residents of Keithson Drive will have a ily first-time buyers;Centex became part
<br /> a year. It could bring hotels,restaurants, second access route. of Pulte in 2009),Del Webb(homes in 21
<br /> businesses,jobs,and housing.TCAAP If you use a private contractor for snow removal please remind your contractor of the ^ states for active adults 55 and older),and
<br /> could be developed in our lifetime! City policy.The contracor can contact City Hall with questions.If you see a private The City has tentatively scheduled the DiVosta Homes(housing communities
<br /> contractor pushing snow into or across a City street and can identify the company name ® introduction of Pulte's plan for the March in Florida built specifically to withstand
<br /> If a stadium came to Arden Hills,what please contact the Public Works Director.City staff will then contact the company and ® Planning Commission meeting,with the Florida's extreme weather).
<br /> would be the cost and what would be the make it aware of the City policy. M_ERry a public hearing to be held a month later.
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