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<br /> Permit#1962
<br /> Arden Hills,MN • 55112-5734
<br /> I
<br /> n Summer road construction
<br /> S Spring clean-up day Postal Customer The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents April 2011
<br /> • Valentine Park project Road improvements on the way!
<br /> Z
<br /> inter is behind us! That means pipes under Arden View Drive need to be Mn/DOT and the
<br /> dPond dredging that the next season—road repaired,there will be more disruption on County have discussed
<br /> Wconstruction—is about to begin. that street.Resident access will be main- removing the concrete
<br /> e Here is how the Arden Hills 2011 road tained during construction,but others are median on the bridge
<br /> construction season is shaping up. asked to avoid that area. and using the space
<br /> to restripe the bridge
<br /> City streets I-694/Highway 10 interchange with turn lanes that
<br /> Maintaining streets is one of the larger, This Mn/DOT project is expected to run the full length of the bridge.The City
<br /> more expensive tasks that cities 1 begin in late summer.When it is is asking that this project be done prior
<br /> face. Arden Hills approaches this task completed,the most noticeable improve- to the completion of the I-694/Highway
<br /> in a proactive manner,using a Pavement ment will be route and ramp changes 10 interchange project.The interchange
<br /> Notes from the City Council Management Program(PMP).Its goal is that replace the three left-entrance ramps modifications will reroute traffic onto the
<br /> i his letter will be published in no longer receive that funding. The City balance is about 44 percent of our an- to plan for and manage street maintenance (Hamline Avenue onto 1-694,Highway Lexington Avenue bridge,and these lane
<br /> mid-April,about the time our Council saw this coming and in mid-2008 nual general fund expenditures.The state in a way that keeps both the streets and 51 onto 1-694,Highway 10 onto I-694) changes will help traffic flow.
<br /> state government is attempting adjusted spending in the 2009 and 2010 auditor recommends that cities maintain a the City's coffers flowing smoothly. The with standard right-entrance ramps,as
<br /> to balance the state budget. You may be city budgets,thereby negating some of minimum of 35 percent in order to main- first is tackled by regularly monitoring well as lane changes that will create more Highway 96/10 grade separation
<br /> hearing in the news how funding cuts to the impact. The MVHC will be unalotted tain liquidity to meet financial obligations. the condition of streets and under-street separation between Highway 10 traffic and This is a 2012 Mn/DOT project.Traffic
<br /> local cities are expected to make up some again this year. utilities,estimating when repairs will be 1-694 through traffic. This project also ad- at this high volume intersection is cur-
<br /> of the state budget shortfall. You may The City remains in a strong financial necessary and planning accordingly. The dresses deficient bridges and deteriorating rently controlled by traffic lights. When
<br /> also be wondering how this will affect the In terms of the State of Minnesota making position with good reserves which has second,managing street maintenance pavement. this project is complete a bridge will take
<br /> City of Arden Hills and how the City is up some of the state budget shortfall by enabled us to continue to provide City expenses, is accomplished by doing repairs Highway 10 over Highway 96. Driv-
<br /> doing financially. The City is currently cutting back on aid to cities,Arden Hills services without making major reductions before they blossom into full-scale road On October 25,2010,the City passed a ers will have limited movement between
<br /> in the process of auditing 2010 year end will not be cut more than our 2010 level. and to take advantage of a competitive rebuilds whenever possible,by grouping resolution denying its municipal consent highways via off and on ramps.
<br /> fund balances,so I will be not be able to One could say the good news is we will market environment to complete planned street repairs geographically to keep costs for this project until 14 conditions were
<br /> provide final year end numbers.However, not have our LGA and MVHC cut and,the projects. This strong financial position en- down,and by doing some road work an- addressed.Talks between the City and Mn/ This project is on track to start in early
<br /> the current figures are close enough,and I bad news is we never got LGA and cur- abled the City to move up two levels to an nually. The City maintains a 5-year PMP DOT to resolve the differences are under- 2012. However,if TCAAP is chosen as
<br /> thought this would be a good time to share rently receive no MVHC. AA+bond rating in 2010. This is a high work plan. way and construction is on track to begin the preferred site for a new sports sta-
<br /> some financial news with you. rating and very unusual for a city our size. in late summer. It takes large projects dium,the traffic demands are expected to
<br /> Cities also receive Municipal State Aid Most of this year's PMP work will center like this time to get set up;drivers should send everyone back to the drawing board.
<br /> Many cities receive financial support (MSA)for maintaining roads that are des- Arden Hills is in a good position to ride on neighborhoods on both sides of Ham- expect the majority of the construction Without development in TCAAP ready to
<br /> from the State of Minnesota. This is ignated and meet the requirement of being out the current economic conditions and line Avenue,just south of Highway 96, impact to begin in 2012. begin,Mn/DOT is going to do only the
<br /> mainly in the form of Local Government a major connecting roadway. The City of possible reductions in state aid funds to specifically the Amble Road/Dellwood/ (safety related)grade separation project
<br /> Aid(LGA)and Market Value Homestead Arden Hills receives about$200,000 annu- balance the state budget. That is not to say Nursery Hill neighborhood,the Wyncrest/ Lexington/I-694 bridge at this time. If TCAAP development is
<br /> Credit(MVHC). The amount of LGA is ally. As I write this letter I am not aware that things will be easy in this economy Wynridge neighborhood,the northeast The City has been negotiating with Mn/ imminent,additional access to TCAAP
<br /> calculated by a formula developed by the of any cutbacks in this area. or that the state,or Metropolitan Council, portion of the townhome community 1 DOT to improve capacity on the Lex- will be needed and both the extent and the
<br /> State.The City has not received any LGA may ask cities to pay for certain items, (Arden View Court/Arden View Drive), ington Avenue bridge over 1-694. timing of the project could change.
<br /> funding since the current formula was Our City's 2010 fund balances are approx- often called unfunded mandates.The city's and Colleen Court.Janet Court,off Lake
<br /> created. So if you are hearing that LGA is imately$10.6 million compared to$10.9 financial position is strong. Valentine Road between Snelling Avenue - --
<br /> being cut to cities,Arden Hills will not be million in 2009. The$300,000 difference and I-35W,is also included in this year's Spring clean-up day is May 7
<br /> affected by these reductions. is related to funding slightly more capital I am looking forward to summer and the road construction.
<br /> improvement projects in 2010 than 2009. end to this record-setting snowy winter. he Arden Hills and Shoreview annual spring cleanup day is
<br /> In terms of Market Value Homestead With the exception of Arden View Drive in Tscheduled for Saturday,May 7 from 8 4 the
<br />` Credit,last year the governor unalloted Our general fund balance for 2010 is &4416q'� the townhome community,the road work Ramsey County Maintenance Center. See insert in this newsletter
<br /> all of Arden Hills MVHC funds,a total of approximately$1.7 million compared towill be primarily resurfacing,and travel for details.
<br /> $61,744.This meant that the City would $1.8 million in 2009. Our general fund David Grant,Mayor delays should be minimal. Because water
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