Arden Hills Service Directory News from around the town Benchmarks: a review of recent City Council action
<br /> 1245 west Highway 96 Summer adult programs offered
<br /> Arden Hills, AN 55112-5734 March 14, 2011 Approved motion authorizing one rehabilitate sewer Lift Station 13 and
<br /> •Did you know the City's Parks and Recreation Department offers adult Adopted the amended 5-Year Equip- percent cost-of-living allowance in- to diagnose and repair operational Office Hours ment Capital Improvement Plan(5-0) crease for regular full time,non-union problems at Lift Stations 5 and 8.
<br /> programming? h'employees,
<br /> City em to ,effective January 8 4:30 p.m. P Y ar1' 1, (4-0)
<br /> Monday to Friday SAVE SOME MONEY Passed Resolution 2011-012 for 2011 (4-0)
<br /> declaring costs and preparing orders Adopted Resolution 2011-019
<br /> If you are age 55 or older,you can reduce your auto insurance premiums by taking the for the 20c Pavement aria Management Authorized the purchase of two Toro awarding 2011 sanitary sewer lining
<br /> 651-792-7800 g P
<br /> AARP Driver Safety Program.You do not have to be an AARP member nor buy your project to Insituform Technologies for
<br /> auto insurance through AARP to receive this discount.Both the initial 8-hour class and Program(5-0) Z597 zero-turn lawnmowers for p roJ g
<br /> Sheriff and Fire Emergency the 4-hour refresher class are offered at City Hall. $29,923,as well as the sale of one $399,445($99,861 of this comes from
<br /> 911 Passed Resolution 2011-013 to 2001 Toro Groundmaster lawnmower a Metropolitan Council Municipal
<br /> Sheriff(non-emergency) IMPROVE Youx HEALTH provide an assessment hearing for the (4-0) inflow and infiltration remediation
<br /> 651-484-3366 2011 Pavement Management grant)(4-0)
<br /> The first Wednesday of each month a foot care clinic is offered at City Hall.A licensed
<br /> Fire(non-emergency) and insured healthcare nurse is available by appointment to provide foot care. Program(5-0) Denied Resolution 2011-018,which
<br /> 651-633-2404 would have approved the final layout Tabled proposal to begin replacement
<br /> Water and Sewer Problems (2A)of I-694/Highway 51 and of existing water meter reader system
<br /> HAVE SOME Fury March 28, 2011 (Holden excused) for more research on how ion the old
<br /> (During non-business hours) stopped the mediation process(1-3 g
<br /> Arden Hills and Shoreview are working together to provide a variety of fun activities Approved Resolution 2011-011 system could be made to last 4 0
<br /> 651-484-3366 accepting work and authorizing Holmes) Y ( - )
<br /> for adults.These include card games(500,bridge,cribbage),bingo,movies,cooking, p g S
<br /> Mayor: picnics,various activities and classes,and much more! final payment of$21,503 to Belair
<br /> David Grant 651-538-0747 Excavating for the Indian Oaks Court Approved Resolution 2011-016 au- Celebrating Arden H%//s%
<br /> Councilmembers: and maintenance project 4 0 thorizing a grant application for a path Mark your calendars.On Saturday,Septem-
<br /> GET SOME ExExcisE p p J ( - ) on Old Snelling Avenue from County ber 17,from 3
<br /> Brenda Holden 651-636-2987 g tY p•
<br /> Golf lessons are available for both juniors(ages 9-15)and adults(ages 16 and up).In dusk,the City will again
<br /> Fran Holmes 651-631-1866 addition,adult sport leagues are offered every spring and summer. Approved payment No. 5 of$47,850 Road E to County Road E2(4-0)
<br /> Nick Tamble 612-819-7995 to Schifsky and Sons,Inc. for 2010 hold its fall festival at
<br /> Ed Werner 651-636-2546 Denied Resolution 2011-017 authoriz- Tony Schmidt Regional
<br /> More information about the City's adult programs is available in the 2011 Spring/Sum- pavement management work(4-0)
<br /> ing a grant application for a path on Park on the shore of
<br /> mer Parks&Recreation Guide that was mailed to your home and on the City's website.
<br /> CityAdministrator: Lexington Avenue from Ingerson Park Lake Johanna.Come
<br /> You can also call City Hall for information. Approved the appointment of Don
<br /> Patrick Klaers 651-792-7810 to County Road E(0-4) enjoy the food,youth
<br /> Messerly to the Parks Trails and activities,music,art,
<br /> Communications Committee: �
<br /> Bill outlines stadium funding site-selection process Recreation Committee(4-0) Authorized spending up to$28,000 games,fireworks,and more.Watch the City
<br /> Arlene Mitchell,editor;Kristine Approved 2010-2012 agreement for to engage Bolton and Menk for website and this newsletter for more infor-
<br /> Goodrich;Brenda Holden;Lois Rem A site has yet to be determined but a bill to fund a new public sports stadium was intro- law enforcement services(4-0) engineering services to design,bid, mation as it becomes available.
<br /> Council Liaison: Nick Tamble duced at the State Capitol.A portion of the former Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant and oversee construction activities to
<br /> Staff Liaison: Becky Brazys is one of three sites under consideration for a new stadium which would be home to the
<br /> Desktop Publisher: Mary Nosek Minnesota Vikings.The existing Metrodome site and an area in and/or around the Min- Rental registration deadline is June 30
<br /> neapolis Farmer's Market are the other contemplated sites.Ramsey County is studying
<br /> Council meetings are held at City Hall the pros and cons of a stadium in Arden Hills.The City is cooperating with the study he Arden Hills City Council Owners who live in the same unit with the You may receive a letter that asks you to
<br /> on the second and last Monday of the but isn't taking any further action or devoting any additional resources until it receives has approved an ordinance that tenant are not required to register with the register even if you are not renting your
<br /> month at 7 p.m.Meetings are televised a more definitive proposal. Trequires residential rental proper- City. property. This happens when a property is
<br /> ties to register with the City. This action listed as a possible rental property because
<br /> the Planning Commissioonn are televised A plan to fund a stadium was introduced at the State Legislature in April In the bill
<br /> live on Cable Channel Meetings of is part of the City's initiative to maintain Rental property owners must renew their it has been classified by Ramsey County
<br /> at 6:30 p.m.on the first Wednesday sponsored by Republican Legislators Julie Rosen and Morrie Lanning,the Vikings, more accurate records of who to con- annual registration by June 30 of each as non-homestead,or because the owner
<br /> after the first Monday of the month. State,and host county and/or city all would help fund the stadium.The Vikings must tact in case of an emergency or code year.Property owners will be asked to pro- name does not match the homestead name.
<br /> Playbacks of City meetings begin the pay a third of the stadium capital costs,plus any cost overruns.The city or county that violation,to provide better educational vide their name,address,phone number, If you receive a letter but your property
<br /> morning after the meeting and continue would host the stadium would have to come up with approximately another third.The resources for property owners and ten- birth date,and driver's license/identifica- is not being rented,you do not need to
<br /> every day until the next City meeting. city county levy p ants,and to track rental trends in the com- tion number. If the roe is owned b register and there is no fee. However,
<br /> bill authorizes the ci or coup to le a half-percent sales tax increase without voter property riY� Y g
<br /> Pla backs are at 3 a.m. 11 a.m. and approval.The local host government also could increase sales tax on specific items
<br /> munity. The program does not currently a business or if the owner lives outside you will need to complete the Residential
<br /> Y include inspection or licensing compo- the seven-county metropolitan area,the Rental Registration Unit Exemption form
<br /> 7 .m.Monday through Friday,and 7 such as food,liquor,lodging,and Vikings tickets.For its third,the State also could
<br /> P Y g
<br /> x nents,although the City may consider owner must appoint a local agent who can and send it back to the City so that we can
<br /> impose sales tax increases on some purchases,including sorts memorabilia and luxury a.m.,2 p.m.,and 10 casts,
<br /> on Saturday p p g p adding them in the future. be contacted. update our records.
<br /> and Sunday.For web casts,visit stadium suites.
<br /> The residential rental program applies to The$40 annual registration fee per rented For more information,please contact City
<br /> While the bill doesn't designate a stadium site,it sets forth asite-selection process.A p gr pp g p
<br /> Arden Hills Notes is the official news- Governor-appointed board would gather bids,select a site and acquire the land.The bill all rented single-family homes,duplexes, dwelling unit covers the cost of imple- Hall at 651-792-7800 or visit our website
<br /> letter of the City of Arden Hills,an sets a February 2012 deadline,but the governor may authorize a three-month extension. triplexes,and four-plexes. If you are menting,maintaining,and enforcing the at
<br /> equal-opportunity employer. Check for updates. renting to a relative,or if your property is program. The penalty for failing to regis-
<br /> classified as a"relative homestead,"you ter a property is$80.
<br /> are still required to register the property
<br /> 2 if you are not also living at the home. 3
<br />