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Arden Hills' trails--something for us all to enjoy! <br /> s Arden Hills residents,we are If you would like to know more about this you are ever meandering along the trail be- <br /> very fortunate to have access to a opportunity,please call Michelle Olson tween Venus Avenue and County Road E, <br /> wonderful network of trails. (651-792-7848)or my wife and I would be very <br /> visit the City website privileged if you would have <br /> All told,there are over 15 miles of trails for more information a seat on"Julie's"bench and <br /> that allow us to walk and bike throughout about the park bench take in the incredible sense of <br /> the area.They are a great asset for provid- donation program. She serenity in that spot. <br /> ing unique access to the nature that is re- can also tell you about <br /> markably close to our homes and provides other ways in which This story contributed by <br /> a safe alternative from hiking along the you can help the Arden _ Chuck Michaelson, member <br /> busy shoulders.In fact,the City has long- Hills park trails. - of the Parks, Trails, and Rec- <br /> term plans to continue to add trails and reation Committee.) <br /> walkways—including along Old Highway In the meantime,I <br /> 10—which will be greatly appreciated. encourage you to con- <br /> tinue to take advantage <br /> Through the course of exploring these of these wonderful <br /> trails we learned that there are a number of trails that so enhance <br /> ways to personally contribute to the trail our community.And if <br /> system. For our family,we took advan- <br /> tage of a program to donate a park bench. A note about special assessments <br /> These benches are a great asset for the <br /> park system and are placed in picturesque The interest-free period for special assessments ended on July 26.In order to <br /> locations for folks to rest and take in the 1 ensure that you're paying the full amount due,including interest,please contact <br /> natural beauty.From a personal level,it City Hall at 651-792-7800. <br /> was extremely rewarding for us to be able <br /> to place this bench in a location that was If you make a payment without including the interest charges,there will be an ad- <br /> certainly close to our family and came to ditional amount due. <br /> symbolize tranquility and peace. <br /> City earns awards for finance reporting <br /> At the July 11 City Council meeting, and understandable financial reports, im- of accuracy and transparency is viewed <br /> Darin Nelson,Minnesota State Rep- portant tools for government transparency favorably by the credit rating agencies. <br /> resentative of the Government Finance and accountability.To win these awards <br /> Officers Association(GFOA),presented the staff The City's accounting staff,—Sue <br /> the City with all three of its annual report- must prepare The Iverson,Director of Finance and Ad- <br /> ing awards. reports that -winnin ministrative Services;Ashley Bertrand, <br /> meet the award-wig Accounting Analyst;Kyle Howard, <br /> The City received the Certificate of GFOA's financial report Finance Analyst;and Pang Silseth,Ac- <br /> Achievement for Excellence in Financial demanding is inserted in this counting Clerk,—is to be commended <br /> Reporting(CAFR)for the fourth year; standards, newsletter. for again achieving these awards. <br /> the Award for Outstanding Achievement which far <br /> in Popular Annual Financial Reporting exceed the Generally Accepted Account- <br /> (PAFR)for the fourth year,and the Dis- ing Principles.A commitment to this level <br /> tinguished Budget Presentation Award for <br /> the second year.This is the second year <br /> that the City has won all three awards. <br /> Only 96 cities in Minnesota received the <br /> CAFR Award,three received the PAFR Pictured here are(left to right) <br /> Award,and 20 received the Budget Award Pang Silseth,Ashley Bertrand,Kyle <br /> from the GFOA this year. Arden Hills is " ' Howard,and Darin Nelson. <br /> one of only three that have received all <br /> three awards this year.The other cities are <br /> Bloomington and Eden Prairie. <br /> The GFOA encourages and assists state <br /> and local governments to produce accurate <br />