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Arden Hills Popular Annual Financial Report 2010 Page 2 Arden Hills Popular Annual Financial Report 2010 Page 3 <br /> —ARPEN HILLS EN HILLS <br /> The General F a Governmental Funding �_ <br /> • , , <br /> Governmental Revenue & Expenditure <br /> Inflow: The City's General Fund is the largest fund and also one of the most vital to The City's revenues for 2010 (for all funds except Enterprise <br /> Where does the moneycome from? the City's operation. The General Fund is the primary fund that accounts for Five Year Revenue Comparison Funds totaled 5 807 047 an increase of 12% from 2009 as the <br /> $7,000,000 ) $ > <br /> chargesfor o,i: everyday general expenses like park maintenance, police protection, and fire City received Federal and State grants to complete the Elmer L. <br /> services 4% protection while at the same time supplementing portions of the other funds. $6,000,000 Andersen Trail. The graph to the left illustrates the City's vari- <br /> 9% <br /> Inter_ Like most funds, the General Fund relies on the inflow of cash,shown as reve- ous revenue sources. <br /> governmental for the General Fund is property taxes. Intergovernmental revenues re items $5,000,000 ` $7,000,000 Five Year Expenditure Comparison <br /> 3% � nues and subsequently uentl the outflow listed as ex enditures. The primary revenue <br /> like state/ $4,000,000 <br /> Licenses/ 2009 2010 $6>000,000 <br /> Permits county aids <br /> ,% $3,000,000 <br /> and grants. Property Taxes $2,835,253 $2,867,028 <br /> For the year $2,000,000 $5,000,000 For <br /> end of 2010 Licenses/Permits $318,849 $255,265 <br /> the City's reve� g $ $ $1,000,000 $4,000,000 <br /> t3 Inter Intergovernmental 130,557 118,981 <br /> Property nue total was i $3,000,000 <br /> Taxes $3 7 1 0 41 5 Charges for Services $332,358 $322,978 $- <br /> 77% <br /> which was a 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 $2,000,000 <br /> Other $132,041 $146,163 <br /> $38,643 (1%) decrease from the previous year.This was largely due ■Taxes ■Special Assessments $1,000,000 <br /> to the economy and market values as there was an increase in tax Total General Fund Revenues $3,749,058 $3,710,415 0 License and Permits ■Intergovernmental <br /> ■Charges for Services ■Fines and Forfeits <br /> petitions and abatements. oOther $- <br /> 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 <br /> Expenditure The City of Arden Hills prides itself on controlling spending ■Public Safety ■Debt Service <br /> while providing the best services possible. In 2010 the City's o Public Works ■Parks and Recreation <br /> The City's total General Fund expenditures for 2010 were $3,499,217 which was $102,875 (30/o) under the final budget. Overall, expenses (for all funds except Enterprise Funds) totaled ■Capital Outlay ■Miscellaneous <br /> General Fund expenses increased $100,350 (3%o) from 2009. Public safety accounted for 3 percent or $34,227 of this increase. $6,035,747,up 7/o o from 2009.The increase was due to the 2010 13Economic Development ■General Government <br /> The balance of these increases were primarily due to inflation and pay- —— <br /> __ <br /> Outflow: Pavement Management Program (PMP) project. The chart to the right highlights the City's ability to control its expenditures <br /> outs of severance packages as the City experienced turnover in three key <br /> over a several year period and demonstrates the City's priorities over different departments within the individual year. <br /> management positions. The chart below highlights the amount funded Where does the money go? y p ty p p y <br /> to each of the City's functions. Parks and Long Term DebtSpecial / <br /> Recreation Central <br /> 2009 2010 17% Government Arden Hills maintains an "AA+" rating from Standard & The City of Arden Hills has eight funds that make the special <br /> 29% Poor's. The City issued G.O. Tax Increment bonds in 1998, revenue fund. Special revenue funds are used to account for <br /> Central Government $983,207 $1,010,168 which are budgeted to be paid in full in the 2015 fiscal year. revenues derived from specific taxes or other earmarked reve- <br /> Public Safety $1,526,819 $1,561,046 PubliccoWorks These Tax Increment Financing(TIF) districts are an important nue sources. They are usually required by statute, local ordi- <br /> economic development tool. Arden Hills' TIP districts are lo- nance, and/or resolution to finance particular functions, activi- <br /> Public Works $282,019 322,793 cated along Round Lake Road and Cottage Villas. ties,or governments. <br /> Parks and Recreation $606,822 $605,210 In 2004, the City of Arden Hills decided to refinance its debt 2010 Revenues 2010 Expenditures <br /> Other $0 $0 because of lower interest rates. In order to do this the City had Community Services $33,635 $0 <br /> Total General Fund Expenses $3,398,867 $3,499,217 Publs�fety to pay the previous bond in full, therefore causing the spike in parks $779,362 $1,141,300 <br /> the chart below. The chart also shows the City is committed to Cable $91,079 $95,413 <br /> City Departments repaying its debt in a timely manner. The 2010 revenues were TCAAP $0 $17,372 <br /> $53 in interest, expenditures were $281,525, and transfers in Risk Management $48,377 $7,523 <br /> Administration: This department provides the overall direction for the City as determined by the City Council. It is responsible for from TIF districts were$281,525. EDA Operating $36,201 $544 <br /> maintaining City records;issuing licenses;administering Council policies;and election procedures. <br /> City of Arden Hills Outstanding Debt EDA Revolving $3,392 $o <br /> Finance: This department conducts the financial affairs of the City of Arden Hills in accordance with the Government Accounting Stan- $10,000,000 EDA TIF District No 2 $511 739 $1 094 <br /> dards Board(GASB) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principals(GAAP). <br /> $5 000 000 EDA TIF District No 3 $40,672 $1,673 <br /> Community Development:This department is responsible for ensuring that laws,ordinances,and zoning codes are enforced. It is also Total $1,544,457 $1,264,919 <br /> responsible for Economic Development within the City. $0 0 0 0 0 p p o m v o _ <br /> (For more information on the specific fund descriptions,please see the <br /> Public Works: This department manages the City's infrastructure as it relates to roadways,water,sewer,and surface water management. 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2013 2015 CAFR.) <br /> Parks&Recreation: This department is responsible to provide recreation activities in the City and maintain the City's parks and trails. 11 TCAAP=Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant <br /> G.O.Tax Increment Bonds EDA=Economic Development Authority <br />