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January-February 2010
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
January-February 2010
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ECR-WSS <br /> PRST STD <br /> U.S.Postage Paid <br /> I Arden Hills,MN• 55112-5734 St.Paul,MN <br /> NH S <br /> Permit #1962 <br /> n City sets 2010 levy <br /> S Allina ambulance service The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents January/February 2010 <br /> • POSTAL CUSTOMER - <br /> t <br /> d City seeking administrator Arden Hills City Council sets 2010 tax levy <br /> e Workforce housing plans small tax levy increase in 2010 Unallotment <br /> will maintain City services The Market Value Homestead <br /> hile compensating for Credit is a state deduction on most <br /> increases in public safety contracts homeowners'local property taxes. 'The City Arden Hills has set <br /> to <br /> and the unallotment of a State rebate. The State is supposed to reimburse the 2010 tax levy at$3.02 million <br /> local units of government for their lost <br /> Notes from the City COUnCII On December 14 the City Council set revenues.But the State gave Arden •This is a 2.3%increase over 2009 <br /> the 2010 levy at$3.02 million,a 2.3 Hills only a partial reimbursement in <br /> percent increase. 2008 and no reimbursement in 2009 •City taxes on a median-value <br /> would like to wish you all a interim,Sue Iverson has been appointed the country's population.As a result and 2010.That's a loss of$66,000 for house will increase by about$15 <br /> happy and prosperous new year. as the Acting City Administrator. we need everyone to be counted to Taxes on amedian-valued 2010. in 2010. <br /> A start of a new year always invites help maintain our state's influence in home($2 meth)will increase <br /> us to review the events of the past and The financial status of Arden Hills Washington, D.C. approximately$15 in 2010. Other cuts •The City's total 2010 budget is <br /> look forward to new events. remains strong and stable. We are The total 2010 budget is$11.26 $11.26 million,a 6.5%decrease <br /> not affected by reductions in local In closing,I would like to ask everyone Increases on the City's public million a 6.5 percent decrease. from 2009 <br /> Last year's most significant event government aid and have held the to consider volunteering to serve on safety service contracts equate to a Reduced TCAAP-related expenses and <br /> was the decision by the developer to operational expenses level. This a City committee. We currently have 2.1 percent levy increase,and the fewer capital improvement projects •In addition to the le City <br /> pull out of the agreement to purchase past year we were able to replace several openings on each committee levy, n' <br /> Governor's unallotment of the Market contributed to the overall decrease. revenue comes from inter ov- <br /> and develop the TCAAP property. several streets at a good value,and we and would welcome your participation. g <br /> Value Homestead Credit required ernmental revenue, licenses and <br /> This decision was based on the plan to continue to look for similar another 1.1 percent increase. Spending The total capital improvement budget <br /> economic difficulty for new property opportunities this coming year. Best wishes and happy new year, p p g fees for licenses and permits, <br /> cuts in other areas reduced the levy is$3.11 million.Major projects fines,and charges for services <br /> development during the recession. g <br /> increase by 0.9 percent for a net planned for 2010 include: sanitary such as utilities <br /> Recently the City has been working The federal Census will be conducted / ( )• <br /> �,�,(� increase of 2.3 percent sewer line improvements,new trail <br /> with Ramsey County to complete the in the next few months. An accurate <br /> transfer of the wildlife corridor and and complete census is critical for the along Old Highway extension <br /> Public safety of the Elmer L.Anderson Memorial <br /> trail connections to the county,before City and State. The State of Minnesota Stan Harpstead,Mayor Police and fire protection make up Trail,and road improvements on <br /> the land is sold at auction.While is very close to losing a congressional p wanted to make even more cuts <br /> more than a third of the City's general Snelling Avenue,Katie Lane,and in while other members believed most <br /> the process has shifted to an auction seat based on the redistribution of fund operating costs.The City's the Valentine Avenue neighborhood.g residents are willing to pay a little <br /> format,over the years Arden Hills, contribution to the Lake Johanna Fire more to maintain City services. <br /> along with neighboring communities, Department budget increased 5.6 <br /> HELP WANTED. P g Other budget cuts include eliminating <br /> has shaped future land-use plans and <br /> percent while the Ramsey County the open assistant city administrator The Council didn't decrease staff's <br /> these plans are still in place. The City of Arden Hills currently has openings on the following Sheriff's Department contract osition and reducin the recordin <br /> commissions and committees: p g g proposed budget.Thus the$41,000 <br /> At the end of 2009,City Administrator increased 1.1 percent and fees for secretary budget and Northwest Youth will come from reserves unless cost <br /> h Communications(newsletter committee) the new 911 dispatch center jumped and FamilyServices contribution. <br /> Ron Moorse left the City of Arden savings or new revenue is generated <br /> •Economic Development Commission 17.4 percent. Some Council members This year's budget doesn't include any over the course of the year. <br /> Hills.The City has retained Richard questioned some elements of the fire <br /> Financial Planning and Analysis Committee q contingency funds to cover unexpected <br /> Fursman of the Brimeyer Group <br /> to conduct a search for a new city •Parks,Trails,and Recreation Committee and sheriff expenditures and called for expenses. <br /> additional oversight over their future <br /> administrator. This transition process • Planning Commission budgets.Aside from the contracts, More cuts? <br /> is well underway.In the meantime other City operating costs remain The$3.02 million levy is$41,000 less <br /> the City is well served by a senior Contact City Hall for more information or for an application. relatively flat. than what City staff had proposed. <br /> leadership team that has served Arden <br /> Hills for the past three years.In the __ - — The Council approved the reduction <br /> on a 3-2 vote. Some Council members <br />
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