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LJFD continued from page 2 <br /> City Service Directory News from Around the Town <br /> cities and the LJFD.To oversee the crew at Station 3 and the other crew be staffed by two three-person crews <br /> 1245 West Highway 96 contract,a Fire Board was created at Station 4.During these hours,the for 24 hours each day.As new duty <br /> Arden Hills,MN55112-5734 Lake Johanna Fire Department initiates fulltime staffing composed of one representative each duty crews will respond to all calls. crews are introduced,the crews will <br /> from the cities of Arden Hills and On a weekly basis,about 35 percent respond to medical calls during the <br /> Office Hours North Oaks,two representatives from of all calls are received during week new staffed hours. <br /> 8 4:30 p.m., fter operating as a paid,on- Shoreview,and three members of the day,daytime hours.With two crews of <br /> Monday through Friday call service for most of its LJFD.The Fire Chief sits on the Fire firefighters on duty,the firefighters not The firefighters will not be fulltime, <br /> A67 years,the Lake Johanna Board as an ex officio member.The Fire on duty will not be paged unless the permanent employees. Each firefighter <br /> 651-792-7800 Fire Department(LJFD)is gradually Board approves or amends the LJFD's severity of the call requires a heavier will be part-time but will be able to <br /> www.d.arden-hills.mmus moving toward full-time station staffing budgets(operating and capital)which response.The duty crew will be paid on choose the shifts that work best for that <br /> using duty crews of existing part-time are then presented to each city for an hourly basis,not on an on-call basis. firefighter,knowing that other"paged" <br /> Sheriff and Fire Emergency firefighters. approval. Each city must then include Fire Chief Tim Boehlke expects that calls will be minimal.The firefighter <br /> 911 the appropriate dollar amounts in the response times will improve and costs can plan for the shifts and the pay will <br /> Sheriff(non-emergency) The LJFD is a private,non-profit city budget for the following year.The will not significantly increase since be more consistent.Chief Boehlke <br /> 651484-3366 organization providing contract fire Fire Board also establishes the strategic only the firefighters actually needed hopes that this new pattern will <br /> protection services for the cities plan for the LJFD. will be aid. increase recruitment and retention of <br /> Fire(non-emergency) of Arden Hills,North Oaks,and p p his professionally trained firefighters. <br /> 651-633-2404 Shoreview.Historically the LJFD has p Y g <br /> THE to fire calls,rescue calls, How TE cosT Is SHARED <br /> Water and Sewer Problems The Fire Board sets the formula for Using fulltime staffing, the A LOOK AHEAD <br /> (During non-business hours accident-with-injury calls,and cardiac AND A FEW STATISTICS ABOUT SERVICE <br /> ( g ) spreading the operating and capital Fire Chief expects that Another significant issue needs to be <br /> 651484-3366 arrest calls in the three contract cities. In 2009 the LJFD responded to 659 costs of the LJFD among the three response times will improve addressed by the Fire Board and the <br /> The LJFD has a separate contract calls,214 in Arden hills.The number of cities.The formula fors spreading without an increase in cost. Arden Hills City Council in the near <br /> Mayor: with the Minnesota National Guard to calls per year for the last five ears has p g ty <br /> Stan Harpstead 651-604-9097 p Y Y the operating budget is based on future.Chief Boehlke believes that <br /> provide similar services on the National been fairly constant with the average population,number of households, four fire stations may not be needed <br /> Councilmembers: Guard's TCAAP facility. <br /> David Grant 651-538-0747 being 653.Estimated fire loss in 2009 number of fire calls for the previous FIGHTING FIRES AND MORE by the LJFD. Station 1,on New <br /> Brenda Holden 651-636-2987 for the entire area was$314,250. In year,and market value of property. With two duty crews at the stations, Brighton Road,is the station that can <br /> Fran Holmes 651-631-1866 SOME BACKGROUND 2006,the fire loss was$2,415,750. Of For 2010,Arden Hills'share is 28.1 the LJFD is now responding to all most readily be closed,according to <br /> Dave McClung 651-332-0352 The LJFD is a paid,on-call,part-time, the total calls each pp,ear,approximately <br /> professionally trained and equipped Y Y percent.Arden Hills pays the same medical calls in the three cities during the Chief.Looking at current response <br /> Acting City Administrator: ten percent are fire calls,20 percent are share for equipment.But Arden Hills the staffed hours.At least 90 percent of times and projecting even better <br /> Sue Iverson 651-792-7816 fire department. Sometimes the LJFD rescue calls, 11 percent will involve pays for 100 percent of the capital all LJFD firefighters are EMT-trained response times from duty crews,the <br /> is erroneously called a volunteer hazardous materials,26 percent are costs of Station 1 located in the City with the others being trained as first Chief says that firefighters on duty,not <br /> Communications Committee fire department,but the firefighters false alarms,26 percent are"good on New Brighton Road.North Oaks responders. Chief Boehlke expects a on call,can respond to any Station 1 <br /> Arlene Mitchell,editor;Kristine traditionally have been paid for <br /> intent„calls(caller is sure he spotted and Shoreview split the capital costs significant increase in service.Not only calls faster and provide better service, <br /> Goodrich;Brenda Holden;Dorothy each call to which they respond,for someone in distress on the semi-frozen of Station 2 on Hodgson Road. And will highly trained medical service negating the need to have that station. <br /> McClung training hours,and for fire education percent are service lake),and seven) p Shoreview pays the total capital costs providers respond more quickly to If Station 1 is retained,the structure <br /> Council Liaison: Dave McClung activities in which they participate. In <br /> StaffLiaison: Becky Brazys calls(ruptured pipe in the basement, of Station 3 on Lexington Avenue calls,Sheriff Deputies can be freed needs to be rebuilt,probably in 2012. <br /> DesktopPublisher: M Nosek addition,the firefighters participate someone trapped on the roof).Mary Pp fl• at County Road I and Station 4 on up for other priority calls,and Allina Closing the station could save over <br /> in a firefir becomes <br /> s pension plan.A Victoria Avenue at County Road E. ambulance personnel will have $3,000,000 in capital costs for the <br /> Council meetings are held at City Hall at firefighter becomes vested after WHAT THE FIRE BOARD DOES For 2010,Arden Hills will pay assistance when needed for treatment structure and equipment.Both the Fire <br /> the second and last Monday olive month at ten years of service.Fora 20-year Arden Hills,North Oaks,and $356,778 for operating costs and and transport. Board and the Arden Hills City Council <br /> 7 p.m.Meetings are televised live on Cable veteran firefighter who retires from p g p ty <br /> Channel 16. Meetings of the Planning Shoreview have a Joint Powers $131,418 in capital costs for fire would need to approve any changes at <br /> Commission are televised at 6:30 m.on the Department at age 50 or more,the Agreement JPA through which <br /> p• current pension benefit is a lump sum g ( ) g services. NEW CREW ASSIGNMENTS BEGIN SOON Station 1. <br /> the first Wednesday after the first Monday p p the cities contract with the LJFD Beginning April 1 of this year, <br /> of the month. Playbacks of City meetings payment equal to the number of years for services.The JPA defines the <br /> begin the morning after e meeting and served times$5,600.Retirees with THE ADVANTAGE OF FULLTIME STAFFING additional duty crews will be added at <br /> th <br /> continue every day until the next City meet- ears of responsibilities and authorities of the Until now,if a call for service is Stations 2 and 4 from 5 1 a.m. <br /> ing.Playbacks are 3 a.m.,11 a.m.,and 7 more than ten but less than 20 y received,a page goes out to all on Fridays and Saturdays.In 2011, <br /> p.m.Monday through Friday,and 7 a.m.,2 service have a reduced benefit. <br /> firefighters and many will respond. according to the LJFD six-year plan, <br /> p.m.,and as p.s,visit <br /> it Saturday and Sunday. Everyone who responds will be aid staffed hours will be expanded and <br /> For web casts,visit �' p p P <br /> for the call even if it turns out to be duty crews may be at Stations 2 and 4 <br /> Arden Hills Notes is the official newslet- The Lake Johanna Fire Department responds to about 650 calls a false alarm or an event requiring a from 5 to 9 p.m. on Monday through <br /> ter of the City of Arden Hills,an equal- smaller crew.Beginning in January of Thursday evenings. Chief Boehlke <br /> opportunity employer. every year <br /> this year,two crews of three firefighters projects that by 2016,two stations will <br /> are on duty from 8 5 p.m., <br /> 2 Monday through Friday,with one 3 <br />