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May 2010
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
May 2010
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City earns AA+ bond rating from Standard and Poor's <br /> 0 n March 15 Standard and Poor's tion and economic opportunity that helps and how well it manages and reports its <br /> published bond rating updates, maintain financial stability." finances.(See story below.)At the March <br /> granting Arden Hills an unusual 29 City Council meeting,when the rating <br /> three-notch upgrade from A+to AA+.This In upgrading Arden Hills'rating Standard upgrade was announced,Mayor Harpstead <br /> places the City only one notch below the and Poor's noted that Arden Hills: lauded City Finance Director Sue Iverson <br /> highest possible rating—AAA(which has has very strong income levels(137 and her staff,as well as the members of <br /> not generally been granted to smaller cities percent of national levels) the City's Financial Planning and Analysis <br /> such as ours). has a very strong market value Committee,for the improvements to the <br /> • relies on property taxes(which is City's financial policies and processes that <br /> Standard and Poor's reviews its ratings based on our strong market value), helped produce this result. <br /> regularly.In the past,Standard and Poor's not on local government aid(which <br /> ratings formula not only considered how is dependent on State politics and the This rating upgrade is good news for our <br /> well a city managed its finances,but also status of State finances) city. If or when the City needs to borrow <br /> gave considerable weight to municipal plans budgets and spends conser- money in the future,this improved rating <br /> size and location.This meant that smaller vatively,generally posting a small will help reduce the interest cost the City <br /> cities received a lower rating just because operating surplus will incur. <br /> of their size,even if they were managing has healthy reserve balances($1.8 <br /> their finances very well.This practice was million in the general/operating fund <br /> based on the belief that a smaller tax base plus$7 million in its capital reserve <br /> translated to additional investor risk.The funds),which create important finan- <br /> lower rating,in turn,translated to higher cial strength and liquidity <br /> borrowing costs for small cities. has a very low overall debt burden <br /> (2.02 percent of market value). <br /> In 2008 Standard and Poor's changed its <br /> formula to state"the key to a higher rating Always key to establishing any entity's <br /> . . . is achieving a balance between loca- rating is the quality of its leadership <br /> City wins award for budget presentation <br /> 0 n February 19 the Government sound financial policy and practice." To believes that,"better budget docu- <br /> Finance Officers Association of that end the GFOA operates three award ments contribute to better decision <br /> the United States and Canada programs in the United States. making and enhanced accountability." <br /> (GFOA)announced that the City of Budget presentation guidelines exist <br /> Arden Hills was awarded their Distin- They are: to assist governments in creating bud- <br /> guished Budget Presentation Award for its The Certificate for Achievement get documents and awards are granted <br /> 2009 budget documents.The award was for Excellence in Financial Report- to recognize those who achieve this <br /> presented at the April 26 City Council ing Program(CAFR),which was goal. <br /> meeting. established in 1945. Its goal is to <br /> encourage governments to be finan- The Popular Annual Financial Re- <br /> The City of Arden Hills has now won cially transparent. Governments are porting(PAFR)Awards Program, <br /> all three GFOA awards,something only encouraged to produce comprehensive which was created in 1991. Its goal <br /> three cities in Minnesota have accom- annual reports that can be read and is to"encourage and assist state and <br /> plished. The other two recipients of all understood by people without a back- local governments to extract informa- <br /> three awards are Bloomington and Eden ground in finance. Guidelines exist tion from their comprehensive annual <br /> Prairie. Both cities are considerably to provide assistance in doing this and financial report to produce high qual- <br /> larger than Arden Hills. In fact,few cities awards are granted to recognize those ity popular annual financial reports <br /> our size even go the extra step to prepare who do so. specifically designed to be readily ac- <br /> these reports. cessible and easily understandable to <br /> • The Distinguished Budget Pre- the general public and other interested <br /> GFOA MISSION AND AWARDS sentation Awards Program,which parties without a background in public <br /> At the core of the GFOA's mission is the was created in 1984. Its goal is to finance."The award recognizes those <br /> desire to"enhance and promote the pro- encourage governments to produce who accomplish this. (This award can <br /> fessional management of governments for high-quality,useful budget documents be won only after winning the CAFR <br /> the public benefit." One of their primary that could be understood by people award.) <br /> objectives is to"raise public awareness of without expertise in finance. GFOA <br /> Continued on page 5 <br /> 4 <br />
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