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September 2010
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
September 2010
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ECR-WSS <br /> PRST STD <br /> U.S.Postage Paid <br /> St.Paul,MN NH S <br /> I Arden Hills,MN 55112-5734 Permit #1962 <br /> n I-694 improvements outlined <br /> S Bridge and trail work underway The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents September 2010 <br /> Z POSTAL CUSTOMER City hosts hearing on I-694 improvement project <br /> Armory expansion discussed n August 9 the City Council held of roadway. Safe will be improved b <br /> d g ty Y• h' P Y I-694 also may <br /> 0a public hearing about the Min- eliminating left entrances onto I-694 and increase. <br /> Q Future of Arden Hall considered nesota Department of Transporta- by removing the existing weave between ROAD <br /> tion's(Mn/DOT)proposal for improving 1-694,Highway 10,and Highway 51.This Mn/DOT feels CONSTRUCTION <br /> 1-694 between I-35E and I-35W.The project will replace the freeway bridges that some of the AHEAD <br /> project is slated to begin in 2011. This along 1-694 with new ones wide enough current traffic <br /> hearing focused on the segment within to accommodate future lane additions. All on local streets <br /> Arden Hills—between Lexington Avenue work will be done within existing highway is people avoid- <br /> Notes from the City Council <br /> and Highway 10. The project will include right-of-way. ing bottlenecks on 1-694 and that with <br /> changing or replacing the interchanges traffic flowing more smoothly on 1-694, <br /> n preparing to write this letter,I graphics with more feature articles.The 8 a.m.,Friday to 1 a.m. Saturday,and with Lexington Avenue,Hamline Avenue, The hearing this through-traffic will return to <br /> started thinking about the Council's Communications Committee is constantly 5 p.m. Saturday to 1 a.m. Sunday Highway 51,and Highway 10. This A number of people came for- the freeway instead of using local roads. <br /> major accomplishments so far this striving to improve Arden Hills Notes. If public hearing followed previous Mn/DOT 4& ward to speak about this project. Mn/DOT also feels that replacing the cur- <br /> year.During 2010 the City has:finalized you have ideas for improvements or sto- This staffing allows the department to open houses held to gather input on this While several speakers acknowl- rent intersections at County Road F and <br /> TCAAP zoning regulations so poten- ries you would like to see,please send me respond to medical emergencies during project. edged the need to address the current Hamline Avenue with a single(not split) <br /> tial developers know what our vision is an e-mail at those hours and shortens response time traffic bottlenecks and safety issues on the intersection,controlled by a traffic light, <br /> for the TCAAP and what they will be and I will bring those ideas to the Com- to fire and rescue calls.At the end of six In June this year Mn/DOT submitted a portion of I-694 that passes through Arden will improve safety. <br /> permitted to build on that land;built safe mittee. years the department will staff two stations proposed road layout to the City,request- Hills,most expressed concerns about the <br /> pedestrian trails along County Road E2; with a total of six firefighters 24/7/365. ing the City's approval(known as mu- current plan.Their comments fell into Impact on nearby homes <br /> began construction on a safe pedestrian An equally dedicated group of individu- The goal is to make you safer by getting to nicipal consent). After the conclusion of these categories: A number of residents spoke <br /> connection under the CP Rail Bride on als are the firefighters who provide fire, you faster when there is an emergency. the public hearing and the City Council's Local traffic safe and traffic vol- <br /> g g psafety about noise concerns. One <br /> Old Highway 10;approved a workforce rescue and now emergency medical aid to discussion,it became apparent that the umes person,a 31-year resident of the <br /> housing development on County Road the residents of Arden Hills from the Lake The next time you run into one of our general consensus of the audience and Impact on nearby homes area,living on Hamline Avenue <br /> F;and have worked to keep the Ramsey Johanna Fire Department.I am proud to Communications Committee members or the Council was that this plan needs more Pedestrian and bicycle access across north of I-694,summed it up this way: <br /> County Library here in Arden Hills.I am serve as the City's representative on the one of our firefighters make sure to thank work. The Council asked Mn/DOT to 1-694 over the years there have been a number of <br /> proud of where we are and where we are Fire Department's Board of Directors.The them for their service and dedication.Both supply a full set of road volume estimates projects and each project added just a little <br /> headed as a City. Board of Directors of the department,with groups make Arden Hills a desirable,and for 1-694 and its ramps within the City, Local roads—traffic volume and highway noise to the area,but the noise <br /> support from Arden Hills,North Oaks,and safe,city in which to live,work,and play. and for surrounding local roads that will safety has now accumulated to a point where <br /> There are two other items I want to high- Shoreview,is in the second year of a six be affected by this project. The Council Because the proposed changes people cannot enjoy their houses when <br /> light that are near and dear to my heart: year plan to greatly improve fire/rescue Warmest regards, also directed City staff to provide a list of eliminate the freeway exit and their windows are open. While Mn/DOT <br /> first is Arden Hills Notes and the dedicat- services to the three communities.This c the concerns raised at this hearing to entrance at I-694 and Hamline Avenue, believes this project is unlikely to increase <br /> ed volunteers who produce this wonderful year the department has started staffing Mn/DOT and to continue working with residents fear that there will be higher traf- noise dramatically,it all adds up. Another <br /> newsletter,and second is the excellent two fire stations with six firefighters from Mn/DOT to address them. The request fic levels on nearby streets. For example, 23-year resident who lives on Briarknoll <br /> service we get from our fire department, 8 5 p.m.Monday through for municipal consent was tabled. This drivers who now use the Hamline Avenue Drive made the same point. Mn/DOT <br /> the Lake Johanna Fire Department. Thursday Dave McClung,City Councilmember discussion will be placed on the agenda ramps will be pushed to the Lexington reported that possible noise abatement <br /> for a future City Council meeting. Avenue ramps,increasing traffic not only techniques do not meet the State's funding <br /> It takes a group of dedicated individu- on Lexington Avenue,but also on County criteria and so are not in this plan. Resi- <br /> als on the Communications Committee You, too can be The project goals Road F. During the work day a number dents responded that this was little comfort <br /> to sit down and figure out what to put on Mn/DOT has three major goals of Land O'Lakes employees walk across when they cannot enjoy peace and quiet in <br /> these pages and then research and write for this project: improve safety Lexington Avenue at County Road F. their own yards or homes. <br /> the articles.Over the last two years I have T tke to write?Have in interest in community news?The Arden on I-694;position I-694 for a Land O'Lakes employees say that this <br /> been proud to be the Council Liaison to LHills Communications Committee needs you!We're look- future project that will add a lane;and is already a dangerous intersection for Growing traffic volumes on streets where <br /> the Communications Committee.You ing for a new committee member.Putting together the Arden Hills replace bridges that are deteriorating. The pedestrians. Increased traffic volumes there are homes,such as Hamline Avenue, <br /> have probably noticed we have expanded Notes each month is one of our primary duties.Find out more by safety record for this portion of I-694 may make it worse. Concerns were ex- also are creating situations where residents <br /> to eleven full issues with six pages of contacting Becky Brazys at City Hall,651-792-7811. falls far short of the average for this type pressed that traffic on local roads south of <br /> content per issue and increased use of Continued on page 5 <br />
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